Aged Care Employee Day takes place on August 7 of every year and celebrates the workers who provide care to the elderly. It takes an extraordinary amount of skill, patience, and heart to care for the aged individuals living through their twilight years. Thus, the day serves as an appreciation for the nurses, care workers, drivers, chefs, cleaners, and/or volunteers who are always on call to ensure that our seniors receive the company and the assistance that they need.
History of Aged Care Employee Day
Aged Care Employee Day was announced in 2018 by Whiddon, an Australian aged care provider, as a day that pays tribute to the workers who care for seniors around the country.
Putting your elderly loved ones in an aged care facility like a retirement home may not be the most ideal scenario for many. One should mainly consider retirement homes if their elderly loved ones’ medical needs can no longer be managed at home. However, when admitting your loved one, it is important to make sure that the facility that they are going to can provide them with the best care. This is made possible by the facility workers who are there to make sure your elderly loved one will spend their golden years in a welcoming, warm environment.
Whiddon initiated Aged Care Employee Day after observing that existing days which celebrate hospitality workers, such as International Nurses Day, were not sufficient to recognize the efforts of the elder care service industry. This is because up to 80% of aged care workers tend to not just be formal medical workers like nurses, but rather janitors, kitchen staff, laundry workers, and volunteers who are not professionally obliged to take care of seniors but do so anyway out of their own volition. The spectrum of aged care goes beyond tending to their medical needs, and the roles of these individuals help keep the care system move smoothly.
Leading Age Services Australia, a national aged-care foundation, helped formally proclaim Aged Care Employee Day as an official Australian holiday in 2019, underlining the importance of honoring these workers in guiding the country’s seniors through their retirement age. In a rapidly changing world, the efforts of young workers help assure that senior citizens do not feel left behind.
Aged Care Employee Day timeline
Whiddon, an Australian care facility, is founded.
The John Howard government privatizes Australia's aged care industry, improving funding streams and elevating senior rights in retirement homes.
Whiddon initiates Aged Care Employee Day in Australia.
Leading Age Services Australia helps Aged Care Employee Day become nationally recognized.
Aged Care Employee Day FAQs
What are the primary roles and responsibilities of an aged care worker?
Aged care workers must be able to complete most, if not all, of the following tasks when on the job: assisting in tasks such as bathing, grooming, and getting dressed; assisting in grocery shopping and laundry; providing medical and emotional support; maintaining close contact with the patient’s family; organizing social and recreational activities for the patient.
How much do aged care workers get paid in Australia?
As of 2022, the average salary of formal aged care support workers in Australia is $55,400 a year, or $28.41 an hour. Meanwhile, entry-level positions command around $53,313 annually on average, while experienced workers can make up to $68.071 a year. The rates differ according to facility and state.
What qualifications do I need to work in aged care in Australia?
Prospective workers must receive a Certificate III in Individual Support or Certificate IV in Ageing Support from their local TAFE institutions, as part of initial training. They must also complete First Aid Certification and Police Checks before entering the job. Alternatively, volunteering at senior care facilities could help pad your resumés with the relevant experience.
How to Observe Aged Care Employee Day
Show your thanks to those who make the system run smoothly
Simple words of appreciation and a little encouragement for your local aged care worker go a long way. By voicing your appreciation, either in person or online, you are acknowledging the hard work that they do in caring for seniors and are assuring them of the difference they are making to many lives across the country. Use the holiday's official #ThanksForCaring and #AgedCareEmployeeDay hashtags on your online posts to take part.
Volunteer at your local retirement home
If your local retirement home is looking for volunteers, don't be afraid to lend a hand. Sign up as a daily or weekly volunteer and give a little bit of your time to make life in retirement homes a bit more bearable. Your presence might mean a lot to those who need it.
Spend time with your elderly loved ones!
Spend time with your grandparents or any seniors that you know dearly to show them that you care and that they are a treasured part of your life. It doesn't hurt to give them gifts that they like too.
5 Facts About Aged Care In Australia
The government spends billions on senior care
Around $19.9 billion was spent by the Australian government on aged care between 2018 and 2019.
Many facilities cater to specific backgrounds
Specialized facilities are becoming more numerous in recent years, catering to seniors who belong to a specific culture, sexual orientation, or religion.
1.6% of the population uses retirement facilities
As of 2020, there are up to 335,889 people using residential aged-care facilities in Australia.
The oldest citizens make up the majority
Up to 58% of aged care facility residents in Australia are 85 years old and over.
Retirement facility usage has skyrocketed recently
The number of people using aged care facilities has tripled in the last decade.
Why Aged Care Employee Day is Important
It honors those who keep seniors company in their final years
A retirement home might not be the best place for a senior to spend their golden years. However, the presence of facility workers and volunteers, to serve them or just keep them company, helps alleviate their experience, even if it's just a bit.
It assures you that aged care facilities are run by trusted, welcoming people
Aged Care Employee Day reassures us that the elderly are in good hands. Moreover, a more specialized approach is needed to take care of seniors, as they require a more specific set of requirements and conditions. Many of them might be suffering from diseases and disorders that come with age. Thus, caring for them helps aged care workers develop their skills as hospitality workers and as human beings.
It celebrates the merits of intergenerational interaction
The day celebrates the resilience and patience of (typically younger) aged care workers in interacting with senior citizens. Younger workers help bridge the generational gap that seniors have and can make them feel that they are not abandoned by the fast-moving world around them. This helps create a harmonious relationship that fosters greater understanding between generations and enhances the human experience.
Aged Care Employee Day dates
Year | Date | Day |
2025 | August 7 | Thursday |
2026 | August 7 | Friday |
2027 | August 7 | Saturday |
2028 | August 7 | Monday |
2029 | August 7 | Tuesday |