children at play during Absolutely Incredible Kid Day®
ThuMar 20

Absolutely Incredible Kid Day® – March 20, 2025

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A thought for Absolutely Incredible Kid Day®:

“There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.”     — Nelson Mandela

Kids are the future. Camp Fire stands ready to help. This organization, born as Camp Fire Girls in 1910, has embarked on a mission to “guide young people on their journey to self-discovery.” What can we do to help? It’s simple, really. Absolutely Incredible Kid Day®, celebrated on March 20 this year, encourages adults to write a young person a note — letting them know just why they’re so amazing! (Verbal messages are fine too.) Our thoughtful words can spark a life-changing journey for a child. Let’s get started.




Absolutely Incredible Kid Day® timeline

Girls Rule! (And so do Boys)

Camp Fire, America's first multiracial, multicultural, and nonsectarian organization for girls, went co-ed.

A New Day for Kids

Absolutely Incredible Kid Day® began as a nationwide effort urging adults to write about the awesome children in their lives.

A Century of Great Kids

Camp Fire celebrated 100, with participants from coast to coast lighting campfires (of course!) at the same time to mark the occasion.


The organization taught kids and teens SEL (Social Emotional Learning) skills via the new Thrive{ology} framework, a research-based approach for youth success.

Meet the "Incredibles"

Camp Fire recognized three kids chosen for their resilience, determination, courage, compassion, and joy - Ohio fifth-grader Hala Khalil, who has quickly learned English after arriving from Jordan; aspiring drummer Jessica Albertson; and talented baseball player Davy Bradley.

Absolutely Incredible Kid Day® Activities

  1. Write a note

    Simply tell a special young person in your life what makes her/him so, well, absolutely incredible. Be specific. Stick the note in their lunchbox (if they have one), or anywhere else they might look. Not feeling old school? You can always post on their favorite social media page. Or just tell them in person.

  2. Consider a Camp Fire camp

    You'll be surprised at the variety. There are camps for the LGBTQ community, as well as autism camps, grief camps, special needs camps — and many more. Kids learn crucial life skills while participating in a wide array of fun activities.

  3. Plan for a "Wohelo Award"

    "Wohelo” stands for work, health, and love — critical Camp Fire values for over a century. The award represents the organization's highest achievement. Kids in grades 9-12 work hard to complete an intensive project based on their passion. Looks pretty cool on a college application, too!

5 Spectacular, Inspiring, Confident Kids You Seriously Need To Know...Like Right Now

  1. Tanitoluwa Adewumi

    He's the 8-year-old Nigerian refugee who just won the "kindergarten through third grade" category at the New York State chess championship. All this, despite living with his family in a homeless shelter.

  2. Dafne Almazán

    Originally from Mexico, Dafne became a age 13! Next up — Harvard, where, at age 17, she's the first minor to be enrolled in a post-graduate degree program in the last 100 years.

  3. Elisabeth Anisimow

    The Los Angeles-based artist began selling her paintings at age 7. Now 12, she turned her parents' garage into a studio. Elisabeth hopes to study art at the Sorbonne in Paris.

  4. Hunter Wallace

    This Texas teenager, born with cerebral palsy, holds a prominent place on his high school wrestling team. (He's the captain.) Hunter hopes to inspire others with his inspiring viral workout video

  5. Charley Thomas

    This 10-year-old British boy can recite the mathematical constant known as "Pi" (π) to an astonishing 258 decimal places.

Why We Love Absolutely Incredible Kid Day®

  1. AIKD focuses on the "now."

    Yes, when it comes to our young people, it's absolutely crucial to plan for the future. Still, Camp Fire hopes to inspire kids to take on leadership roles right now. Why wait? Children have unlimited potential.

  2. Life lessons

    Camp Fire remains committed to helping kids "use their voice and find their sparks." Each young person has different passions. Exploring them early can greatly improve their chances of success. Let's help kids figure out who they are on Absolutely Incredible Kid Day®.

  3. "Thrive{ology}"

    It's a philosophy that urges us to help kids thrive now. Thrive{ology} involves identifying passions, pushing past obstacles, focusing on goals, and taking time to reflect.

Absolutely Incredible Kid Day® dates

Year Date Day
2021 March 18 Thursday
2022 March 17 Thursday
2023 March 16 Thursday
2024 March 21 Thursday
2025 March 20 Thursday