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FriJun 27

National SAFER Workplace Day – June 27, 2025

National SAFER Workplace Day takes place on the last Friday of June, commemorating the safer workplace initiative, which promotes workplace safety with a heightened focus on machine safety to reduce the potential of near misses, accidents, and injuries. 

Machine safeguarding consistently remains among the top 10 OSHA violations yearly. The goal of this holiday is to provide machine manufacturers and end-users with the proper tools to help create a safer workplace. 

Let’s support this event by learning about the importance of a safe workplace. Take out time to assess your workspace and pinpoint any task, process, or equipment that could jeopardize your workplace and your safety.

History of National SAFER Workplace Day

The SAFER acronym is based on the 5 fundamental steps used to conduct a risk assessment and stands for STOP. ASSESS, FORMULATE, EXECUTE, and REVIEW. These steps are fundamental to properly addressing any concerns such as unsafe operations of machinery so that a safe and efficient solution can be created and implemented. 

STOP – A stop in production often has a negative connotation. However, in this context, it is meant to prevent future production stops due to accidents and injuries. 

It is important to stop and discuss safety concerns to create and foster a work environment where employees feel confident enough to speak up against unsafe conditions. This also helps to avoid potential near misses and accidents.

ASSESS –  Identifying an unsafe condition is the first step. The next step is to assess the safety concerns to decide which steps (if any) need to be taken to minimize exposure to the hazard. 

One method to estimate the severity of the concern is by calculating a Hazard Rating Number (HRN).. An effective HRN calculation during the risk assessment process will allow you to quantify a problem and take a closer look at a machine or process to ensure proper regulations and requirements are being followed.

FORMULATE –  Once an assessment is completed and a concern has been reviewed by a qualified team, the next step is to formulate a plan. If actions need to be taken, this is the time to develop safe and feasible possible solutions. Team effort may be required to create a solution that is not only safe, but allows for effective and efficient human-machine interactions.  

Solutions can range from administrative controls to machine redesigns and implementation of safety controls. 

EXECUTE – After a plan is created, it is time to execute it to see how effective it is. This may require planning across multiple departments and divisions as a realistic schedule must be made to accommodate machine downtime and available resources to actually implement the proposed safety plan. It’s important to establish design reviews and milestones to help track and measure the success of process.

REVIEW – Once the solution is successfully implemented, the concern must be reviewed again. This additional evaluation is used to prove the system is out, confirm that the initial concern has been addressed effectively and that the new solution is not creating further hazards.

National SAFER Workplace Day timeline

Birth of the American Factory

America’s first factory is built in Rhode Island, allowing workers to use
machines to dramatically increase productivity and consistency.

Start of the Safety Mindset

Massachusetts passes the first factory safety and health law in America which
leads to a general inspection of factories and provisions relating to dangerous
mechanical equipment.

Creation of Programmable Logic

The concept of the programmable logic controller is created, paving the way to
today’s safety PLC’s used to monitor entire safety systems.

Safety Becomes a Federal Law

The U.S. passes the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act and creates the
Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) to pass, regulate, and maintain health and safety standards and regulations.

The First Observation

tec.nicum sponsors National SAFER Workplace Day to create awareness about safer workplaces and promote safer workplace activities, and the first observation takes place. Want to be a sponsor: learn how.

National SAFER Workplace Day FAQs

Who is responsible for a safe workplace?

According to OSHA, the employer is legally responsible for providing a workplace free of recognizable hazards. At the same time, the employee is responsible for complying with occupational safety and health standards and all rules, regulations, and orders issued under this act that apply to his actions and conduct.

Is Personnel Protection Equipment (PPE) a form of safety control measure?

Personnel Protection Equipment (PPE) is a form of safety control measure. PPE is designed to protect workers from potential hazards in the workplace, such as physical, chemical, radiological, or biological hazards. Examples of PPE include safety glasses, gloves, respirators, hard hats, and safety shoes. The complete hierarchy of safety controls must be evaluated before utilizing PPE as this is the least effective solution.

What are “Consensus Standards,” and how do they relate to OSHA guidelines?

The “Consensus Standards” are industry standards developed by groups of professionals that cannot be enforced by themselves unless adopted by a regulatory body. OSHA may cite such consensus standards as a basis for their findings and enforcement.

How to Celebrate National SAFER Workplace Day

  1. Acknowledge a coworker or employee for following safe practices!

    Acknowledging a coworker or employee for doing their job in a safe manner not only boosts morale and fosters a positive work environment but also reinforces the importance of safe practices and encourages continued vigilance in maintaining a safe workplace for all.

  2. Make a safety tips list

    List three ways in which you can perform your job safer. Share with your safety officers to see if they can be implemented and participate in the change!

  3. Share your story!

    Highlight a safety initiative implemented by your company on your various social media accounts to inspire others. Use the hashtag #SaferWorkplace.

5 Facts About Safer Workplaces

  1. Workplace injuries occur every seven seconds

    Many of these injuries are related to machines. Investing in machine safety measures can help reduce the incidence of injuries and ensure workers' safety.

  2. Feeling safe is “extremely important”, say 73% of workers

    According to an AlertMedia Employee Safety Report, 73% workers say that feeling safe is “extremely important” when at work.

  3. A workplace safety program reduces injuries by 50%

    According to the American Society of Safety Engineers, a workplace safety program can reduce injuries by 50%.

  4. About half of serious injuries unreported

    According to OSHA about half of serious injuries that occur at workplaces are still going unreported (LDG Law).

  5. Compare businesses injury/illness rates

    The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) offers a free tool called “Injury Tracking Application (ITA)” on their website to produce a report comparing injury/illness to rate of your business to your competitors.

Why We Love National SAFER Workplace Day

  1. It offers a much needed reminder

    Often, accidents and serious injuries arise from performing normal routine tasks. National SAFER Workplace Day allows us to step back and remind ourselves of the importance of following procedures and working with a safe mindset.

  2. It highlights the advancements in safety

    After the four industrial revolutions, industrial automation has shown clear advancements. Through National SAFER Workplace Day, we can highlight safety advancements that are usually overlooked but play a crucial role in our everyday work activities.

  3. It provides a safer workplace

    Though accidents happen, they are preventable. National SAFER Workplace Day provides a chance to look at even those deemed safe tasks to see if there is any room for improvement.

National SAFER Workplace Day dates

Year Date Day
2023 June 30 Friday
2024 June 28 Friday
2025 June 27 Friday
2026 June 26 Friday
2027 June 25 Friday