ThuJul 24

National Refreshment Day – July 24, 2025

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National Refreshment Day takes place on the fourth Thursday in July and will be celebrated on July 24 this year. The day draws our attention to the much-needed destressing activities we need to do for peace of mind and a healthy body. The 21st-century life, with all the technology and daily grind, leaves many of us feeling drained and exhausted to the point that even lifting a finger seems like the biggest chore. Moreover, the summer heat has got us all feeling lethargic, and just wanting the cool embrace of air-conditioning. However, apart from air-conditioning, you can also cool down and refresh yourself by indulging in refreshing drinks. For that reason, this holiday was made as a way to promote summer drinks, like beer or lemonade. Once you refresh yourself, you can be more productive and better able to carry out your day’s activities.

History of National Refreshment Day

National Refreshment Day was first commemorated in 2015 by Traveler Beers. The U.S.-based company was established in 2012. The founders wanted to integrate European shandy flavors with American ones in order to bring a refreshing touch and look to the beer scene in America. The Traveler Beer Company, located in Burlington, has a range of popular beer selections. One of their most sought-after products is the Grapefruit Shandy, and it is described as having grapefruit’s refreshing flavor paired with a citrusy and tangy aroma. Beer, on its own, is a drink that has been served as a refreshment for over 10,000 years now. Commercialization of the drink has also led to people having easy and ready access to it. But if you are not a big fan of beer, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with other refreshing activities.

The word ‘refreshment’ came from Late Middle English, and it was spelled with a double ‘s’. Middle English actually borrowed the word from Old French where it was spelled ‘refreschement’. No matter the spelling, the meaning of the word has stayed the same throughout history, and it refers to a feeling of rejuvenation and comfort after a particularly stressful time. One of the aims of the day is to highlight the importance of finding the time to relax for some time every day. Our days are filled with information dumps related to social media, calls, emails, and meetings. Not to mention the ton of responsibilities we have at home and in our family life. In all this hubbub, we need to take a breather, and this could be going for a stroll, listening to a song, eating/drinking, or just putting our head down and being silent. Whatever you choose to do, be sure to not feel guilty about it. Research shows that people who indulge in refreshments are healthier and more productive than those who don’t. So use this excuse to take time out for your well-being.

National Refreshment Day timeline

Late 14th Century
Refreshment Word Usage

The word ‘refreshment’ is used for the first time in Late Middle English, and it means providing aid and refreshment to the mind and body

First Railway Refreshment Rooms in Australia

The first railway refreshment rooms are created in New South Wales for passengers to relax and eat/drink during their journeys.

Traveler Beer Established

The Traveler Beer Company is created to combine European and American shandy flavors.

The First National Refreshment Day

The Traveler Beer Company creates and celebrates the first National Refreshment Day.

National Refreshment Day FAQs

When does the National Refreshment Day take place?

National Refreshment Day takes place on the last Thursday of July. In the year 2021, it is on 29 July.

Why is it called a refreshment?

‘Refreshment’ comes from Late Middle English, and it means to be in comfort and to be rejuvenated. The word originated from Old French where it was spelled as ‘refreschement’.

What are refreshment examples?

Refreshment is anything that relaxes and refreshes you. In many settings, refreshments can refer to food and drinks. In other settings, it could mean people taking breaks from their daily work schedules to go for a walk or to switch off their work minds for a bit. 

National Refreshment Day Activities

  1. Have a refreshing lemonade

    National Refreshment Day is celebrated on the last Thursday of every July, so take this opportunity to have some lemonade or another refreshing drink. Lemonades can be had in a variety of ways. You can have them cold and minty, or cold and fruity, or cold and simple — either way, lemonades are the epitome of freshness.

  2. Color and unwind

    As much as it sounds like a childish idea, be sure to give coloring a try. Coloring has been shown to release relaxation and happiness chemicals in the body. Coloring was originally considered to be for children, but today you can find many adult coloring books on the market

  3. Do whatever relaxes you

    If you have your own ideas of relaxation and refreshment, then by all means do that. It could be going for a walk, having your favorite donut, talking to your favorite person, or even just sitting in silence.

5 Facts About Lemonade That Will Blow Your Mind

  1. Lemonade came from the Egyptians

    Egyptians take the credit for creating the sweet, tangy, and refreshing drink in 500 A.D.

  2. First frozen lemonade in Italy

    The first frozen lemonade was made in Naples, Italy, in the 1800s

  3. Strange and amusing origins of pink lemonade

    Pink lemonade is said to have come from traveling circuses, and the ingredients involved things like cinnamon candies and dirty laundry water.

  4. Lemonade is the best for thirst

    Studies have shown that lemonade’s tangy and sour flavors stimulate the salivary glands so much that it quenches one’s thirst the best.

  5. ‘-Ade’ means sweet

    The ‘-ade’ in ‘lemonade’ means that it is a sweet drink.

Why We Love National Refreshment Day

  1. It’s a celebration of relaxation

    Relaxation, in today’s day and age, is an underrated activity. Many are obsessed with running after the next big thing in their lives, so much so that they don’t stop to smell the roses. Relaxation is a break for the mind and the body to recharge.

  2. It’s a celebration of refreshment

    The Traveler Beer Company started the day as a way of promoting its refreshing products. While a beer from the company will certainly be refreshing, there’s a dearth of other refreshing activities that you can choose to indulge in. These activities, such as the ones we outlined above, can help you learn more about yourself.

  3. It’s a celebration of humanity

    Unlike machines, humans are not built to run endlessly. We must take a break to relax and recharge as that will enable us to become more productive in our tasks. Such moments of relaxation also help us reconnect with ourselves as well as our loved ones.

National Refreshment Day dates

Year Date Day
2022 July 28 Thursday
2023 July 27 Thursday
2024 July 25 Thursday
2025 July 24 Thursday
2026 July 23 Thursday