We have 21 holidays listed for March 31.
Cesar Chavez Day
Celebrate the life and legacy of this iconic hero, and take inspiration from his lifelong servitude.
Crayola Crayon Day
This Crayola Crayon Day, choose your favorite color from your Crayola box and ignite your creativity.
Eid al-Fitr
Gather friends and family for a day of merriment, celebrations, gifts, and good food on Eid.
Eiffel Tower Day
Raise a toast to this monumental feat of construction as we celebrate Eiffel Tower Day.
Hug a Medievalist Day
Be ready to hug a medievalist on this special day and make them feel loved!
National Après Day
#AprèsAnywhere and celebrate with Breckenridge Bourbon Whiskey, after anything you’ve accomplished!
National Bunsen Burner Day
We celebrate National Bunsen Burner Day on March 31, remembering the history of science and the inventor behind this important tool. Found in every high-school…
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National Clams on the Half Shell Day
Seafood lovers won’t clam up about their love for clams today.
National Crayon Day
Spark fond memories of childhood creations in full color as we celebrate the beloved crayon!
National Farm Workers Day
The labor force on a farm plays a pivotal role in bringing crops to fruition.
National She's Funny That Way Day
It’s hats off to the ladies who make us laugh out loud. Today’s your special day.
National Tater Day
We love potatoes, and you bet we are ready for it this National Tater Day.
Prom Day
Post a throwback or call up a high school friend — cherish your unforgettable prom memories.
Seward’s Day
Journey back in time with us as we discover the origin of Seward's Day.
She’s Funny That Way Day
Celebrate the women in comedy who make life worth living on She’s Funny That Way Day.
Terri's Day
A comatose woman became the center of a battle for the right to live or die.
Transfer Day
For the price of a New York penthouse, the U.S. bought the Virgin Islands.
Transgender Day of Visibility
Let’s join the trans community to celebrate not ‘fitting in’ when we yearn to stand out!
World Backup Day
What would you do if you lost everything on your computer?