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MonJun 23

Let it Go Day – June 23, 2025

Let it Go Day, marked annually on June 23, is the perfect reminder for you to stop wasting your energy and time on negative feelings from events in the past and instead strengthen yourself. Everyone at some point in their life has experienced events that they regret or something that hurt them so much that they are unable to get over it. No matter how much time has passed, it feels very hard to let go of those things. But isn’t it time to move on from those negative feelings that are dragging you down?

History of Let it Go Day

Thomas and Ruth Roy of Wellcat Holidays & Herbs are said to be the founders of the National Let It Go Day. They knew that many people live with the burden of regretful situations that quietly, yet constantly, weigh them down. The day was created to motivate people throughout the world to forgive themselves for happenings in the past and let go of their worries. It aims to highlight the ways to find positivity, contentment, and peace in life.

Regrets do little to no good; they weigh a person down; they tend to put a burden on a person’s conscience and deprive them of even the little joys of life. It is very important to learn to forgive yourself, to know when to stop blaming yourself for something, especially when there is nothing you can do to change what has already happened. The best thing to do in such a situation is to just let go of those feelings, and console yourself that there is nothing you can do about it. This will help you to move forward in life, grow, get rid of the bitterness and guilt, and allow you to make the most of life.

There may have been a time when you faked it all to show your ex, your former classmates, or your colleagues that you have moved on from a particular issue, but isn’t it now finally time to move on and let go of the things weighing you down?

Let it Go Day timeline

First Mental Healthcare Survey

President Carter establishes the first survey of mental healthcare through the President’s Commission on Mental Health.

Mental Health Parity Act

The first legislation to add mental healthcare to health insurance coverage is passed as the Mental Health Parity Act.

Let it Go Day is Formed

Thomas and Ruth Roy launch National Let It Go day on June 23.

First Workplace Wellness Report

Mental Health America, the country’s leading community-based nonprofit dedicated to addressing the needs of those with mental illness, publishes the first Workplace Wellness Report.

Let it Go Day FAQs

Is Get Over It Day the same as Let it Go Day?

Although the two days celebrate something similar — moving on from hurt — they’re not the same. While Get Over It Day focuses on getting over a hurt, Let It Go Day celebrates moving on from the past generally. Get Over It Day is marked on March 9.

How do you celebrate National Let it Go day?

This holiday can be observed in several different ways. A person can write a poem to help themself dispel the disappointments, regrets, and anger over the past. Or they can listen to one of the get-over-it songs.

How can I move on from something that hurt me?

Indulge in relaxing activities, engage in habits that make you happy, develop empowering beliefs to live by, and move on with an open heart.

How to Observe Let it Go Day

  1. Let go of your regrets

    It is an occasion to let go of your baggage of regret. Let bygones be bygones, and start building yourself up for a happy, contented life.

  2. Set intentions for a letting-go process

    Make the decision that you will get rid of all the negative energy consuming you. Make a list of all the things to let go of, things you need to move on from, and start working on how to turn the tables over it.

  3. Get some motivational or Let-it-Go decor

    Buy some motivational quotes for home decor or your workplace decor. Set your screen wallpaper to some inspirational quote to remind you of the positives in life. Create a happy playlist and enjoy yourself.

5 Things To Let Go Of

  1. Regret

    Usually, one can do nothing about the things in the past, so the best advice is to let that regret go (for your own sake).

  2. Guilt

    Other people might already have moved on, so why not you?

  3. Grudges

    It's not easy to let go of someone’s poor conduct, but the best you can do for yourself is to hold no grudge and get rid of that negative feeling.

  4. The past

    For you to move forward in life, you have to let bygones be bygones.

  5. Fears

    Fears can stop us from exploring new things or doing what's important, so let go of them and move forward.

Why Let it Go Day is Important

  1. It is a time to free yourself

    It offers an opportunity to free yourself of all the negative energies and hard feelings that ruin your vibe or bring you down. Look forward to a happier, positive life, free from bitterness.

  2. Mental peace is important

    Mental health is as important as physical health. All the burden on conscience and negative energy tolls down our mental health, which should be cared for. On this day, people are reminded to pay attention to their mental health.

  3. A day to relax

    Rest is one of the most effective cures for mental illness. Why not just spend the day in some park or sit by the beach and enjoy the little happiness, joys, and satisfaction life brings in these small moments?

Let it Go Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 June 23 Monday
2026 June 23 Tuesday
2027 June 23 Wednesday
2028 June 23 Friday
2029 June 23 Saturday