FriJul 18

Insurance Nerd Day – July 18, 2025

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Insurance Nerd Day is celebrated annually on July 18. What even is an insurance nerd? An insurance nerd is a person who loves working for an insurance company. What about their hobbies? Well, their hobbies may include talking about insurance in their free time, convincing others about how not boring the insurance industry is, reading insurance publications, and posting about insurance on their social media. Nothing but insurance. Do you have friends with hobbies like those mentioned? Then, they are definitely insurance nerds, and today is their day.

History of Insurance Nerd Day

Insurance Nerd Day was first celebrated in 2016. It is said that the insurance industry is facing a talent gap. So, Pioneer State Mutual Insurance Company declared July 18, 2016, as Insurance Nerd Day to celebrate their employees and encourage other insurance professionals to take part in breaking the stereotype that the industry is boring. Besides, it’s a means to attract young talents to enter the industry. Since then, Insurance Nerd Day has been celebrated annually so that, hopefully, the nerds can continue convincing others about how not boring the industry is.

Whether the industry is boring or not, insurance nerds play an essential role in people’s lives. They can be convincing enough to make people decide to pay for insurance. It’s because of those nerds’ enthusiasm for working in the industry. Sure, insurance doesn’t reduce the risks of unexpected events, but insurance can help reduce financial losses in the event of those occurrences. Now we sound like one of the nerds. Anyway, having insurance probably won’t hurt, and it doesn’t mean that people expect the unfortunate. It’s just a form of risk management.

There are different types of insurance, including health insurance, home insurance, and vehicle insurance. Health insurance will cover the cost of medical treatments, and it is often part of employee benefits in most countries. In the case of home insurance, it will cover a private resident, combining various personal protections such as loss of personal possessions of the homeowner and liability insurance for accidents happening at home. Last but not least, vehicle insurance will cover the damage to the car, the legal responsibility to others for bodily injury and property damage, and the cost of treating injuries, rehabilitation, and even funeral expenses.

Insurance Nerd Day timeline

3rd and 2nd Millenium B.C.
Risk Distribution Methods

Chinese, Babylonian, and Indian traders practice transferring or distributing risk methods.

Early 18th Century A.D.
Life Insurance Policies

The first life insurance policies are taken out.

Late 19th Century
Accident Insurance

Accident insurance starts to become available.

Insurance Nerd Day

Insurance Nerd Day is first celebrated.

Insurance Nerd Day FAQs

Who is the insured person?

The insured person is the person whose life is being covered by insurance against the risk under the policy.

What is the premium?

Premium is an amount paid periodically by the insured to cover the risk.

What is a pure risk in insurance?

Pure risk is a hazard beyond human control, resulting in a loss or no loss with no possibility of financial gain.

Insurance Nerd Day Activities

  1. Talk to an insurance agent

    Call your insurance agent to talk about your current insurance. Ask about a policy review or your insurance coverage. Don’t forget to thank them as an appreciation for their valuable work.

  2. Learn about it

    Who knows, you may be interested in the insurance industry and see it as a career path. For starters, you may want to learn about actuarial science.

  3. Get insurance

    If you haven’t got one, it’s time to get one. Now you are reminded that insurance can help reduce financial losses in the case of unexpected events.

5 Interesting Facts About Insurance

  1. It’s initially meant an engagement to marry

    The word 'insurance’ derives from the French word 'ensurer,’ which initially means "engagement to marry."

  2. Alien abduction insurance is available

    In the U.S., alien abduction insurance has been available since 1987, and there are around 7,000 policyholders.

  3. The insuring body parts trend started

    In 1920, Ben Turpin, a silent movie star with crossed eyes, bought a $25,000 insurance policy through Lloyd’s of London in case his eyes ever uncrossed.

  4. The Kiss bassist once insured his tongue

    The bassist of the rock band KISS, Gene Simmons, once insured his tongue for one million dollars.

  5. First insurance contract was signed in 1347

    In 1347, the very first insurance contract was signed in Genoa, Italy.

Why We Love Insurance Nerd Day

  1. To appreciate

    Despite their nerdiness, insurance nerds bring us information regarding insurance that we may need at some point. So, Insurance Nerd Day is to give appreciation to them for their risky work — the risk of being rejected when offering insurance.

  2. As a reminder

    Insurance Nerd Day can also be a reminder for us to check our current insurance status. Maybe we also need to get another insurance plan.

  3. To learn about it

    Some of us are probably interested in the insurance industry. Insurance Nerd Day can be a good start for those who aspire to be one of the insurance nerds.

Insurance Nerd Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 July 18 Friday
2026 July 18 Saturday
2027 July 18 Sunday
2028 July 18 Tuesday
2029 July 18 Wednesday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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