August 13th Holidays

We have 6 holidays listed for August 13.

August 13th is the 225th day in the Gregorian calendar. On this day in 1517, present-day Mexico City was conquered by Hernando Cortez. In 1972, french revolutionaries imprisoned the entire French Royal Family. In 1942, Walt Disney's 'Bambi' debuted at Radio City Music Hall. Annie Oakley, Alfred Hitchcock and Fidel Castro were born on August 13th. National Prosecco Day, National Filet Mignon Day and National Left Handers Day are all celebrated on August 13th.


National Filet Mignon Day

Devour a tender filet mignon steak in order to pay tribute to this day!


National Prosecco Day

Whether throwing a party with friends or hitting a festival, Prosecco will lighten any mood.


Obon Festival

Prepare to rekindle lost connections with your ancestors during one of the biggest festivals in Japan.


Women's and Family Day

Call your mother, sister, or daughter and greet them with a happy Women’s and Family Day!