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WedDec 25

Quaid-e-Azam Day – December 25, 2024

Quaid-e-Azam Day in Pakistan is celebrated every year on December 25. It is a celebration of Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s birthday across Pakistan. He is believed to be the founder of the country and was known as ‘Qaid-e-Azam,’ which means ‘Great Leader.’ It’s a major national holiday with a lot of events throughout the country. Jinnah was made the governor-general of Pakistan on August 14, 1947. He worked hard to set up a government and organize a country torn by communal violence. He died one year after he was appointed the governor-general of Pakistan in his home in Karachi. His efforts for the country have enshrined him as one of the greatest leaders of Pakistan.

History of Quaid-e-Azam Day

Muhammad Ali Jinnah is honored in Pakistan as the first governor-general and the father of the nation. Quaid-e-Azam Jinnah, as he was popularly known, had a lot of work ahead of him.
He was responsible for looking after thousands of Indian immigrants and setting up a government. Muhammad Ali Jinnah took over a new, shook country to rule. At the time, he was also suffering from tuberculosis. He worked hard to ensure that Pakistan had a form of governance before he died just a year after being in charge as governor-general, on September 11, 1948.

Before he was the governor-general, Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a trained barrister with his legal practice. He was an active member of the Indian National Congress and a significant figure in the subcontinent’s struggle for freedom from colonial rule.

By 1940, Jinnah decided that a separate Muslim State was necessary to ensure that Muslims would not become an ignored minority in the newly formed state of India. He fought long and hard to ensure the creation of Pakistan, and his victory is a pivotal point of celebration for the people of the country.

He was such a beloved leader that his birthday, December 25, was declared Quaid-e-Azam Day. This day is observed in Pakistan in various ways. The national flag is specially hoisted at governmental and non-governmental buildings, plus formal events are also part of the public holiday.

Quaid-e-Azam Day timeline

Muhammad Ali Jinnah is Born

Muhammad Ali Jinnah is born in the Wazir mansion in Karachi and goes on to study law in England.

Leads the All India Muslim League

Jinnah is determined to safeguard the rights of Muslims in the subcontinent.

The Country of Pakistan is Created

Pakistan is founded and Quaid-e-Azam Jinnah becomes its first governor-general.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah Passes Away

After a long battle with tuberculosis, Jinnah dies on September 11, 1948.

Quaid-e-Azam Day FAQs

What is Quaid-e-Azam Day?

Quaid-e-Azam day is a public holiday to celebrate Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder, and first governor-general of the country of Pakistan. 

How is Quaid-e-Azam Day celebrated?

There is an official function at his tomb, Mazar-e-Quaid; there are also a lot of conferences, talks, debates, and seminars organized across the country. 

Who handles security on Quaid-e-Azam Day?

The Pakistan Army is in charge of all security on Quaid Day. 

How To Honor Quaid-e-Azam Day?

  1. Visit Mazar-e-Quaid

    It is the resting place of Muhammad Ali Jinnah; events are usually organized by the government on Quaid Day.

  2. Go to an exhibition about his life

    There’s usually an exhibition about Muhammad Ali Jinnah organized in every district.

  3. Organize an event with your local university

    Debates, seminars, conferences — work with your local university to honor the founder of Pakistan.

5 Facts About Quaid-e-Azam That You Probably Didn’t Know

  1. There’s a museum dedicated to him

    Called the Quaid-e-Azam House, this museum is in Karachi.

  2. Landmarks are labeled after him

    There are a lot of roads, buildings, and organizations that are named after Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

  3. He owned over 200 suits

    He believed in dressing well and making sure he was always well dressed in public.

  4. He is also known as ‘Baba-i-Quam’

    This means the father of the nation. He was the founder of Pakistan.

  5. He became a barrister at 20

    And he was known to be excellent at his job.

Why We Honor Quaid-e-Azam Day

  1. We respect Muhammad Ali Jinnah

    He was a great leader to Pakistan.

  2. We want to know more about him

    There’s a lot all of us can learn from a leader who founded a whole country.

  3. We honor what he stood for

    Muhammad Ali Jinnah wanted to protect people’s rights, and that’s important.

Quaid-e-Azam Day dates

Year Date Day
2024 December 25 Wednesday
2025 December 25 Thursday
2026 December 25 Friday
2027 December 25 Saturday
2028 December 25 Monday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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