November Birthdays
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November 24th Birthdays

We have 9 birthdays listed for November 24.

November 24th is the 328th day in the Gregorian calendar. On this day a fire at a clothing company in Dhaka, Bangladesh killed 112 people; Lee Harvey Oswald, accused assassin of John F. Kennedy, was killed by Jack Ruby, and Charles Darwin published the Origin of the Species. Famous November 24th birthdays include Ted Bundy and Dale Carnegie. Today is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

Peyton Meyer’s Birthday

There is no stopping this talented and hardworking actor from establishing a successful career.


Sarah Hyland’s Birthday

This talented and resilient actress has built her career successfully through her hard work and determination.


Natalie Odell’s Birthday

Millions of people adore Odell's D.I.Y., self-love, beauty, fashion, and lifestyle videos.


LiAngelo Ball’s Birthday

We say a warm “Happy birthday” to this exceptionally talented basketball player!


Katherine Heigl’s Birthday

This multitalented actress, producer, and model’s career has taken an upward trajectory since the beginning.


Jimmy Graham’s Birthday

This NFL player began making history soon after he began playing professional football.


Grace Shadrack’s Birthday

This young YouTube star has created a niche for herself on social media.