TueOct 28

​National First Responders Day – October 28, 2025

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National First Responders Day on October 28 recognizes the heroic men and women who make it their business to take immediate action when disaster strikes. Not sure what a first responder does? Just think about 9/11 for a moment. Firefighters, police, paramedics, and more — rushing into Lower Manhattan. Whether you’ve had your own emergency or not, it’s not hard to understand and appreciate the dangerous and difficult work they do.

When is ​National First Responders Day 2025?

Our brave paramedics, firefighters, emergency technicians, and others are appreciated on National First Responders Day on October 28.

History of ​National First Responders Day

Congress designated October 28th as National First Responders Day in 2017. The resolution honors the firefighters, police officers, EMTs, and all those who are first on the scene in stressful situations. Notably, the family of Sean Collier, a police officer ambushed and murdered during events related to the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, supported the resolution.

A 1966 federal study called Accidental Death and Disability: The Neglected Disease of Modern Society named accidental injuries as the “leading cause of death in the first half of life’s span.”
Further, the report showed that vehicle accidents during 1965 alone killed more Americans than were lost in the Korean War — and stated that seriously wounded citizens would fare better in a war zone than on the average city street. The report also identified a lack of regulation or standards for ambulance operations or provider training.

The authors made several recommendations for both managing and preventing accidental injuries, including the standardization of emergency training for “rescue squad personnel, policemen, firemen and ambulance attendants.” This standardization led to the first nationally recognized curriculum for EMTs (emergency medical technicians). 

Professional training today can take anywhere from one to three years. Candidates learn life support techniques in first-response situations, including CPR, tourniquet application, and treatment of wounds. Paramedics deliver more advanced procedures and therefore require more extensive education and training. 

​National First Responders Day timeline

Formal curriculums in college

UCLA and Eastern Kentucky University are the first to invite national accreditors to review their EMT programs.

EMT training takes shape

Health experts begin to theorize that more could be done in out-of-hospital settings, including advanced airway management, vascular access and medication administration. This leads to the creation and implementation of the emergency medical technician–paramedic (EMT-P) curriculum.

Emergency! On TV.

The popular TV series shows paramedics providing care in a manner that most Americans had never seen.  Although purely fictional, Emergency! sets new expectations for the job and encourages many Americans to pursue careers in EMS.

ACLS takes shape

Advanced cardiac life support training provides a crucial new tool to treat patients experiencing a heart attack or some other form of cardiac arrest. Still, it’s not required for paramedic training and certification until the mid 1980s.

Boston Strong

Andrew Collier, brother of Sean Collier, an officer killed during the Boston Marathon bombing, helped establish a day of recognition.

May 18, 2017
Congress took action

Senators Elizabeth Warren and Tom Cotton, along with Representatives Mark Meadows, Michael Capuano and Elijah Cummings introduced a resolution to establish National First Responders Day.

​​​September 27, 2017
Colorado made it official

The state approved a bill honoring every first responder.

​National First Responders Day FAQs

How much does a first responder make?

Glassdoor reports that an average EMT/Paramedic stands to make around $40,000 per year. But the U.S. Labor Department lists the 2018 median salary at just $34,320. This can vary widely by state and job description.

How do you thank a first responder?

Showing emotional, sincere gratitude is probably the best way — but baked goods generally work too — especially at the firehouse.

Are flight attendants first responders?

Good question. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has designated flight attendants as “first responders,” which means they’re certified to provide pre-hospital care in a medical emergency.

How to Observe ​National First Responders Day

  1. Say thanks

    Whether it's getting your family to write personalized thank you cards or baking some cookies for local firefighters, there are many ways to share your gratitude.

  2. Raise money

    Research how to help finance equipment and resources for first responders. Help those who dare to risk it all.

  3. Volunteer

    Maybe you're looking to donate your own time and support. Don't feel the need to be a hero — just help when you can. Take a CPR course if possible.

First Responders By The Numbers

  1. The ultimate sacrifice

    One hundred firefighters die in the line of duty each year.

  2. ​"9-1-1. What's your emergency?"

    An estimated 240 million 9-1-1 calls are made in the U.S. per year.

  3. Gone in less than 30 seconds

    A fire department responds to a fire every 24 seconds.

  4. EMS to the rescue

    Emergency Medical Services takes care of 22 million patients a year.

Why ​National First Responders Day is Important

  1. It reminds us of their sacrifice

    First responders face high risks virtually every time they step out onto the front lines. It's quite likely America's most dangerous career.

  2. It's a day for them to bask in their heroism

    First responders put other lives ahead of their own. On this day they get to share joy with teammates and take a moment to feel appreciated.

  3. It's the least we can do

    There's not much we can do to pay back these men and women who risk it all for us — nor do they expect it. Still, honoring them on this day is an important gesture.

​National First Responders Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 October 28 Tuesday
2026 October 28 Wednesday
2027 October 28 Thursday
2028 October 28 Saturday
2029 October 28 Sunday

Let’s get social

Here are some special hashtags for the day.

#EmergencyUnit #Paramedics #Firefighters #FirstResponders #FirstRespondersDay #NationalFirstRespondersDay

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