SatJan 24

National Compliment Day – January 24, 2026

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On January 24, celebrate National Compliment Day by going all out with praise. The power of a compliment is pretty remarkable: either giving or receiving one can boost your happiness and confidence — making the act a win-win. You never know when someone could use some good vibes, so spread the positivity by giving someone a reason to smile!

When is National Compliment Day 2026?

Give and receive compliments and see how your day changes on National Compliment Day on January 24.

History of National Compliment Day

Complimenting people on a good job, or praising them for work we admire, is so engrained in human nature that we do it without even giving it a second thought. Which is why we believe it’s important to compliment a good compliment! So, without further ado, here’s 3 of our favorite compliments in history:

1. George R.R. Martin’s fan letter.
Before he was a best selling author, Martin was a teenage fan boy in love with the world of comics. In 1964, he wrote a letter addressed to Stan Lee and Don Heck. In his letter, he praised the latest two issues of The Avengers and Fantastic Four, saying he had “finally come to the decision to have both mounted in bronze and set on a pedestal in the center of my living room.”

2. Maurice Sendak’s tasty art!
In 2011, Maurice Sendak, author of Where the Wild Things Are, told NPR that a child once expressed his love for the writer’s work by devouring it. The young boy had sent Sendak a charming card with a little drawing on it, which Maurice adored. In response, he sent a card and drew a picture of a Wild Thing with the words “Dear Jim: I loved your card.” Sendak soon received a letter back from Jim’s mother saying “Jim loved your card so much, he ate it.”

3. Clyde Barrow to Henry Ford
Famous outlaws Bonnie and Clyde’s preferred getaway car was reportedly the Ford’s V-8 powered Model B. In fact, they even died in one, after law officers showered their stolen Ford with more than 130 rounds of steel-jacketed bullets. Clyde wasn’t well practiced in writing, but between heists he took the time to send a letter to Henry Ford, proclaiming ” what a dandy car you make.”

National Compliment Day timeline

"Compliment" redefined

Another definition of “compliment” is added into the English language: “a present or favor bestowed, a complimentary gift.”

"E" vs. "I"

The spelling of the noun “compliment” shifts from “e” to “i” because of the Italian noun “complimento”—it’s defined as: "expression of respect and civility."

Compliments to the French

Compliment with an “i,” derived from the French word “complimenter,” is added to the English language as a verb with the definition: "to pay a compliment to, flatter or gratify by expression of admiration, respect."

First. Compliment. Ever.

The first version of the word "compliment" was derived from the Latin word “complementum," which was created during this time.

National Compliment Day By The Numbers

40% — the percentage of compliments accepted by women. 

22% — the percentage of women who accept compliments from other women.

61% — the percentage of women who say compliments embarrass them.

47% — the percentage of women who say compliments make them uncomfortable.

55% — the percentage of women who say they don’t want to draw attention to themselves through compliments. 

38% — the percentage of women who think the words weren’t meant sincerely.

63% — the percentage of men who accept compliments. 

National Compliment Day FAQs

What day is National Compliment Day?

National Compliment Day comes around every year on January 24. On this day, take the time to give someone a genuine, pure hearted compliment. It just might make their day!

What is the difference between compliment and complement?

A compliment is an expression of praise or admiration. A complement is something that completes or brings to perfection.

What makes a good compliment?

A good compliment comes from a genuine source of admiration and recognition. If you really mean what you say, and it’s polite and pure, the compliment you deliver will always be a good one.

National Compliment Day Activities

  1. Compliment a stranger

    Complimenting friends and co-workers on National Compliment Day is a given, but step out of your comfort zone and compliment people you don’t even know. Gas station attendants, Starbucks baristas, bank tellers, the grumpy worker at the DMV — everyone's worthy of receiving a compliment!

  2. Spread the good vibes on social media

    Even though an in-person compliment may seem more genuine, what matters is making people feel good about themselves. Be sure to use the hashtag #NationalComplimentDay to reach more of them.

  3. Challenge friends, family and coworkers

    See if you can get friends and family to compliment at least one person. Spreading good cheer is contagious.

5 Of The Best Movie Compliments Ever

  1. "Anchorman"

    Ron Burgundy: “You’re like a miniature Buddha, covered in hair.”

  2. “The Help”

    Aibileen: “You is kind, you is smart, you is important.”

  3. "Elf"

    Buddy: "You have such a pretty face, you should be on a Christmas card!”

  4. “Jerry Maguire”

    Jerry: “You complete me.”

  5. “Christmas Vacation”

    Clark Griswold: “My cousin in-law, whose heart is bigger than his brain, is innocent.”

Why We Love National Compliment Day

  1. It can build confidence

    Receiving a compliment can certainly brighten your day. Having someone notice positive traits can instantly make you stand a littler taller and walk more confidently.

  2. Anyone has the ability to celebrate

    Unlike Christmas, where you’re stressing out about spending money on gifts, compliments are free. Plus, anyone can give a compliment — regardless of what's in your bank account.

  3. Compliments work — in the workplace

    Here's some helpful advice for bosses and supervisors: Compliments are a powerful way to motivate continued employee efforts. Studies show that rewarding a person with either compliments or money activate the same area of the brain. Thus, compliments can increase on-the-job performance.

National Compliment Day dates

Year Date Day
2026 January 24 Saturday
2027 January 24 Sunday
2028 January 24 Monday
2029 January 24 Wednesday
2030 January 24 Thursday

Let’s get social

Here are some special hashtags for the day.

#NationalComplimentDay #Compliments