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WedDec 18

Guru Ghasidas Jayanti – December 18, 2024

Guru Ghasidas Jayanti in Chhattisgarh is an Indian holiday celebrated every year on December 18 in the state of Chhattisgarh. The holiday commemorates the birthday of Guru Ghasidas, born on December 18, 1756. His birthplace is Girodpuri, Chhattisgarh, India. Ghasidas forged his desire to eliminate social inequality because he experienced the caste system very early in his life. Guru Ghasidas established the Satnami community in Chhattisgarh based on Satnam, which means truth and equality. The teachings are similar to Hinduism and Buddhism.

History of Guru Ghasidas Jayanti

Guru Ghasidas Jayanti was a leader of the Satnam sect within Hinduism who lived from 1756 until 1836. He established the Satnami community within Chhattisgarh and advocated equality under Satnami teaching instead of the caste system. His preaching was mainly to Indians belonging to the lower caste. Early in Guru Ghasidas’ life, he experienced the oppression of the caste system. This motivated him to dedicate his life to fighting against the caste system.

The teachings of Guru Ghasidas were similar to Hinduism and Buddhism, but there were significant differences that could classify his movement as a new religion. His teachings emphasized equality, social justice, truth, and peace. He disagreed with other aspects of Hinduism, such as the “murti puja” custom, in which physical objects are viewed as the embodiment of gods during Hindu puja rites.

To find ways to challenge the social inequities of the caste system and find solutions to other societal issues, Guru Ghasidas traveled widely throughout Chhattisgarh. He created a new awakening in what was a cruel and repressive Indian society. The legacy of Guru Ghasidas’ work lives on through his millions of followers in Chhattisgarh. The Guru Ghasidas University and local Guru Ghasidas National Park are named after him to honor the leader.

Guru Ghasidas Jayanti timeline

7th Century A.D.
The Brick Temple is Built

The Laxman Temple, famous for its brilliant brickwork and intricate art decoration, is built.

Guru Ghasidas is Born

Guru Ghasidas is born to a Dalit family in the village of Girodpuri in the Raipur District of Chattisgarh.

Guru Ghasidas Dies

Guru Ghasidas dies at the age of 80.

Inauguration of Guru Ghasidas University

Guru Ghasidas University is inaugurated in the Bilaspur district of Chhattisgarh.

Guru Ghasidas Jayanti FAQs

What is Guru Ghasidas Jayanti for?

Guru Ghasidas Jayanti helps inspire devotees to worship, seek the truth, and choose to do good to society.

What did Guru Ghasidas do?

Guru Ghasidas helped victims of prejudice based on their caste, religion, sex, and other characteristics.

Do people still follow Ghasidas?

People listen to the teachings of Guru Ghasidas even today.

How to Observe Guru Ghasidas Jayanti

  1. Visit India

    India is a beautiful country with many activities to enjoy. You can take part in the holiday by visiting the country.

  2. Learn about Guru Ghasidas

    Do some research to learn more about Guru Ghasidas. You'll discover his work and teachings.

  3. Learn about the holiday

    Read about how to celebrate Guru Ghasidas Jayanti. Remember that the adult members of the group are required to wear only white clothing, abstain from alcohol, and avoid eating animal products. They don't worship idols.

5 Facts About Guru Ghasidas Jayanti

  1. The holiday is significant

    Guru Ghasidas Jayanti celebrates the birthday of the renowned Guru Ghasidas, born in 1756.

  2. Guru Ghasidas gave hope

    Guru Ghasidas gave hope to people going through various kinds of discrimination.

  3. Chhattisgarh is situated on rocks

    The state of Chhattisgarh in Central India is situated on the oldest rocks in India.

  4. Chhattisgarh is large

    Chhattisgarh is the 10th largest state in India.

  5. Chhattisgarh produces electricity

    Chhattisgarh is an important electricity-producing state in India.

Why Guru Ghasidas Jayanti is Important

  1. Guru Ghasidas helped people

    Guru Ghasidas helped many people. Through his teachings, he brought hope.

  2. Guru Ghasidas was a leader

    Many people listened to Ghasidas' teachings and followed his ways. He was a true leader and deserves to be honored.

  3. Guru Ghasidas cared about people

    Guru Ghasidas dedicated his life to helping people. His selflessness is remembered to this day.

Guru Ghasidas Jayanti dates

Year Date Day
2024 December 18 Wednesday
2025 December 18 Thursday
2026 December 18 Friday
2027 December 18 Saturday
2028 December 18 Monday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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