June Birthdays
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June 14th Birthdays

We have 4 birthdays listed for June 14.

June 14th is the 165th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. On this day, Disneyland Monorail System, the first daily operating monorail system in the Western Hemisphere, opens to the public in Anaheim, California and U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs a bill into law that places the words "under God" into the United States Pledge of Allegiance. Famous birthdays include Che Guevara, Boy George, and Steffi Graff. Today is National Bourbon Day, Army Birthday and World Blood Donor Day.

Lucy Hale’s Birthday

If you want to know more about Lucy Hale, join us as we celebrate her birthday.


Donald Trump’s Birthday

Everyone has an opinion about the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump!