January Birthdays
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January 22nd Birthdays

We have 6 birthdays listed for January 22.

January 22nd is the twenty-second day in the Gregorian calendar. On this day, Kmart became the largest retailer to file for bankruptcy, Apple introduced its Macintosh computer to the market with a Super Bowl commercial, and the Central Intelligence Group was formed, which later became the CIA. Famous birthdays include Diane Lane, Guy Fieri, and Linda Blair. January 22nd also marks National Answer Your Cat's Question Day and Celebration of Life Day.

Logic’s Birthday

For this multi-talented, award-winning rapper, songwriter, and record producer, music is a way of life.


Guy Fieri’s Birthday

Known for his recipes, Guy Fieri is one of the most influential culinary stars of this decade.


fouseyTUBE’s Birthday

The internet star shows no signs of slowing down as he continues to entertain millions.


Enya Umanzor’s Birthday

Enya Umanzor is revolutionizing content creation with her creative and very witty approach.