Gruntled Workers Day falls on July 13 this year and, contrary to what the word might convey, it was founded to celebrate all that is positive about one’s work or job. If Friday nights are your night to get together with pals or co-workers, go to a bar, and vent about your job, Gruntled Workers Day is for you, as it can spur you on to reflect on your work and make meaning out of it for yourself. If there’s absolutely nothing to like, why not take a bold step and change something? In a world with growing dissent and job dissatisfaction, Gruntled Workers Day can serve as a powerful reminder that all work has meaning and purpose to it, and so much of the fulfillment we can find in our work is actually a choice! Not only can we see our work in a more positive light, but we can also spread that positivity by appreciating the work or services of any other worker or service provider. A simple ‘thank you’ for something specific, and ‘have a nice day’ can go a long way in making someone’s day.
History of Gruntled Workers Day
Never heard the word ‘gruntled’ before? That’s because founders Thomas and Ruth Roy, of Wellcat Holidays, made it up! The couple has been responsible for creating and copywriting more than 70 quirky holidays ever since the late 1980s when Thomas Roy first looked through a copy of “Chase’s Calendar of Events” and saw a form at the back that allowed for submission of ‘new holidays.’ Deciding to have some fun, he came up with ‘Northern Hemisphere Hoodie Hoo Day’ and was surprised to see it included in “Chase’s” the very next year. Thus a ‘holiday-maker’ was born and, together with their son Michael, the couple started their own holiday website.
Though the exact date when Gruntled Workers Day was first celebrated is hard to pinpoint, the day has been celebrated annually for several years now. Back in the 1930s, the term ‘gruntled’ was used jokingly by people when it was discovered that the word ‘disgruntled’ did not have an antonym. Now, thanks to Thomas and Ruth Roy, the word has become more widespread and we especially love the idea behind the day — getting together and chatting about the aspects of our work that bring us happiness or contentment, as well as cheering others on for doing their jobs well. The challenge that all workers of every kind need to face at least once in their lifetime is to either figure out how to improve their work environments for themselves or to make the decision to find something new that will bring them a better sense of fulfillment and enjoyment.
Gruntled Workers Day timeline
In the Western nations, trade unions are formed to ensure workers are given their dues and protected from exploitation.
Due to the lack of an antonym, the word ‘gruntled’ is used jokingly to refer to the opposite of disgruntled.
Brother William and Harrison Chase publish the first version of “Chase’s Calendar of Events”, which compiles a list of holidays.
Thinking it would be a laugh, radio personality and actor Thomas Roy decides to register wacky holidays, and it works!
Gruntled Workers Day FAQs
Why is employee satisfaction so important?
Not only do satisfied employees directly impact productivity and therefore the overall revenue of the organization, but it also helps build values like loyalty, trust, and conviction, which will help with building an overall positive work culture. Satisfied employees can be relied upon to stand by each other and to provide the company with a good reputation.
How do you explain job satisfaction?
Job satisfaction is defined as the extent to which an employee feels self-motivated, content, and satisfied with his/her job. Job satisfaction happens when an employee feels he or she is having job stability, career growth, and a comfortable work-life balance.
What are the five components of job satisfaction?
Some surveys have revealed that the five key components of job satisfaction are:
- Engagement
- Respect
- Praise and recognition
- Fair compensation
- Motivation (and overall life satisfaction)
Gruntled Workers Day Activities
Take a job satisfaction test
Tests are always fun and can reveal a lot you may not have known about yourself, especially if they are serious tests that have been formulated based on in-depth research and psychological methods. The internet is full of some great tests for measuring your job satisfaction quotient, which in turn can help you reflect and make some changes.
Spread ‘gruntlement’
In a world of increasing disgruntlement, unite with fellow gruntled workers and find ways to spread the positivity of work by appreciating the work of others around you. You can always use social media to make your message more widespread and, who knows, maybe start a movement!
Pause and reflect
Take a moment to think about what your work life is like for you and come up with actionable steps that will enable you to find greater meaning and satisfaction in the work you do. Having a vision for your career is always beneficial.
5 Tips On Becoming A Gruntled Worker
Respect your boss and co-workers
Respect in the workplace is crucial to maintaining good working relationships — it’s no wonder Aretha Franklin found it a worthy topic to sing about.
Set a positive example
Operate on the basis of personal integrity and others will not fail to notice you for it, and maybe even follow your lead.
Open communication
If a potential conflict arises, create a forum wherein a discussion can take place, rather than creating drama.
Lists, lists, lists
These can be in any form or structure you choose, but the idea is to have lists visible to remind you of the importance and purpose behind your work
Get enough sleep
The importance of enough rest has been proven to directly impact one’s productivity at work — not at work, mind you.
Why We Love Gruntled Workers Day
It celebrates work
Work is a crucial aspect of human existence itself, so we’re glad there is a day to celebrate the joys of work and all that the labor of the human mind and body can accomplish.
It expands our vocabulary
The fact that ‘disgruntled’ does not have an exact antonym has us thinking about more such words. The correct term for these words is ‘lonely negatives,’ with others, including ‘disheveled’ and ‘disgusted.’ See if you can come up with a list of more.
A positive message
Gruntled Workers Day is an opportunity for us to spread an important message to all who work — you can be happy in the work that you do and your work is both important and worthy of appreciation. If more people were to hear that, we are sure there would be more gruntled workers the world over!
Gruntled Workers Day dates
Year | Date | Day |
2025 | July 13 | Sunday |
2026 | July 13 | Monday |
2027 | July 13 | Tuesday |
2028 | July 13 | Thursday |
2029 | July 13 | Friday |