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SunOct 19

Evaluate Your Life Day – October 19, 2025

Evaluate Your Life Day comes up every year on October 19, offering a time to reflect on our lives with the aim of becoming better versions of ourselves. It gives us the opportunity to check in with ourselves and assess whether we’re still on the right track.

History of Evaluate Your Life Day

Evaluate Your Life Day was created by Thomas and Ruth Roy, founders of Wellcat Holidays. The website specializes in creating quirky and fun holidays for celebrating life. So far, they’ve created about 80 existing holidays, including “For the Love of Mike Day” and “A Room of One’s Own Day”.

Evaluate Your Life Day is all about self-evaluation and self-assessment, which involves assessing yourself in terms of what goals you’ve achieved. This assessment is carried out with the aim of becoming better and not for the purpose of self-judgment or criticism.

In 1988, the Self-Evaluation Maintenance (SEM) model was formulated by Abraham Tesser, a distinguished professor of research at the University of Georgia. The theory posits that two people who are in a relationship boost their psychological contentment by carrying out comparisons to each other. The theory assumes two standpoints: one, that a person will attempt to boost or enhance their own self-evaluation and two, that this self-evaluation is influenced by one’s relationship with others.

The theory also advances that a person’s self-evaluation may increase when a person close to him/her also has a positive experience. This balance goes both ways and is referred to as reflection or comparison. In reflection, the closer the relationship, the greater the success. However, in comparison, the success of a close other may decrease the person’s self-evaluation as a result of negative comparison.

So on Evaluate Your Life Day, it’s important, even when faced with unpleasant aspects of life, to maintain a positive outlook. Evaluate your life through a lens of kindness, and not judgment.

Evaluate Your Life Day timeline

Beginning of Evaluation

The word “evaluation” comes into use, derived from a French word of almost identical spelling.

SEM Model

The Self-Evaluation Maintenance model is developed by Abraham Tesser.

National Foundation for Educational Research

In Britain, the National Foundation for Educational Research conducts a study on self-evaluation.

Self-Concept Maintenance Theory

A theory called The Dishonesty of Honest People is formulated by Nina Mazar.

Evaluate Your Life Day FAQs

Can self-evaluation be negative?

Yes. This may come in the form of negative thoughts and beliefs about oneself.

When should one perform self-evaluation?

There is no fixed time to perform self-evaluation it should be done based on an individual’s needs and progress in life.  

Is it wrong to compare oneself to others?

Comparing oneself to others may engender feelings of discontent. It’s important to admire others without putting ourselves down.

How to Celebrate Evaluate Your Life Day

  1. Evaluate

    Today is a great day to ruminate and evaluate different aspects of life. Take stock of the goals you’ve reached and those you still hope to accomplish.

  2. Re-calibrate

    It’s also a day to make resolutions. What are some things you can do to make your life healthier and better?

  3. Celebrate

    You’ve come a long way! No matter what you’re going through in life, you are stronger than the person you were yesterday, so take time out to celebrate the little wins.

5 Important Self-Evaluation Questions

  1. Do I work as hard as I can?

    Though it’s a tough question, answering this honestly can help to prevent future mistakes.

  2. Do I set high enough standards for myself?

    You can only go as far as you dare to dream. So dream big!

  3. Do I allow procrastination and distractions to hinder me?

    Assess how well you handled time and distractions in accomplishing your goals.

  4. Do I properly utilize my resources?

    It’s important to make the best use of all the resources at your disposal.

  5. Do I spend enough time doing quality work?

    It’s not only important to get a lot of things done, but to monitor the quality of work being produced.

Why Self-Evaluation is Important

  1. Understanding

    Self-evaluation is important to help us better understand our strengths and weaknesses.

  2. Improvement

    It gives us a chance to improve in areas where we’re struggling and helps us build on our strengths.

  3. Fulfillment

    Successful self-evaluation makes us more productive, leading to even more fulfillment and contentment.

Evaluate Your Life Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 October 19 Sunday
2026 October 19 Monday
2027 October 19 Tuesday
2028 October 19 Thursday
2029 October 19 Friday