August Birthdays
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August 17th Birthdays

We have 6 birthdays listed for August 17.

August 17 is the 229th day in the Gregorian calendar. On this day, Seattle's famous Pike Place Market opened in 1907, George Orwell's famous Animal Farm was first published, and Michael Phelps became the first person to win 8 gold medals in one Olympic game. Famous birthdays include Robert De Niro, Sean Penn, and Mae West. August 17 also marks the Gold Cup Parade and National Black Cat Appreciation Day.

Mae West’s Birthday

She was the most controversial actress of her day, famed for her carefree sexual freedom.


Kayla Davis’s Birthday

For this creative YouTuber, the life she wants is one upload away.


Joyner Lucas’s Birthday

Stretching the boundaries of creativity in rapping is what Joyner Lucas does best.


Joi Wade’s Birthday

This natural hair and lifestyle vlogger is also an outstanding entrepreneur and author!