World Space Week is an international holiday celebrated every year from October 4 to 10 in nearly 100 countries across the globe. World Space Week is the largest space event yet, put in place to celebrate the benefits of science and technology to human society. Based on a resolution made on December 6, 1999, the General Assembly declared World Space Week. There are many benefits the human race receives from space, and this holiday is here to educate everyone about them. Organizations such as space agencies, schools, planetaria, museums, and astronomy clubs coordinate space outreach events in various parts of the world.
History of World Space Week
The evolution of World Space Week was set in motion in 1980 when the World Space Week Association (W.S.W.A.) started organizing a comparatively small space event called Space Week, which featured the celebration of the first moon landing every July 16-24. In 1981, W.S.W.A. created “Spaceweek National Headquarters” to coordinate a national celebration in the United States. By 1999, Spaceweek had reached over 15 nations. Moreover, in the same year, the United Nations General Assembly declared World Space Week to be held annually from October 4 to 10. The first celebration was carried out in 2000, with the W.S.W.A. as the global coordinator of the event.
Today, the W.S.W.A. oversees an international team of national coordinators who arrange events within their own countries. The W.S.W.A. aims to enlighten people about the benefits of space and build their interest through participation, using World Space Week as the crown piece. The organization continues to grow the size and impact of the holiday. Their efforts come to fruition as World Space Week is currently observed in over 90 countries, making it the most extensive space event.
Each year, the Board of Directors of W.S.W.A. pick a theme for the holiday to assist participants in choosing the content of their programs. The advice to organizers is to address the year’s theme in their events and promotion. Previous event years spoke about “Women in Space” (2021) and “Satellites Improve Life” (2020). World Space Week events usually include school activities, exhibitions, government occasions, and special exercises at planetaria.
World Space Week timeline
World Space Week Association organizes Space Week in the United States.
W.S.W.A. establishes Spaceweek National Headquarters to coordinate a nationwide event.
Space Week rallies a good number of countries — 15 countries joined the celebration.
The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed World Space Week by Resolution 54/68 of 6 December 1999.
World Space Week FAQs
Why is space education important?
Because exploration propels us forward, which led to the creation of civilizations that flourished and developed into what we are today.
Has there been a woman in space?
Yes, there have been many female astronauts in space.
Who was the last person to walk on the moon?
Commander Eugene Cernan was the last person to walk on the moon during the first moonwalk on Dec. 12, 1972.
World Space Week Activities
Host a space-themed party
With just a few friends, you can have an awesome space-themed party. Consider spicing things up with space games and theme snacks.
Attend a World Space Week event
Attending a World Space Week event is a great way to learn about space! Several museums, clubs, and organizations will be hosting space events over World Space Week. Look for a public space event in your location and attend.
Share on social media
Posting about World Space Week on your social media can help promote the event to friends — that way, more people get interested in participating and learning. Remember to use the hashtag #WSW so your post can be seen by as many people as possible.
5 Interesting Facts About Space And W.S.W.
The largest space event
World Space Week is the largest annual space event in the world observed in over 95 countries, with about 6,000 events held every year.
Accumulated space junk
Scientists estimate there are about 500,000 pieces of space junk today, which are mostly fragments from rockets and satellites.
Shooting stars are falling rocks
Shooting stars are really small pieces of rocks or dust that hit Earth's atmosphere from space — they move so fast that it heats up and burns.
NASA has visited every planet
All the footage and pictures we get of planets in our solar system are from NASA’s exploring spacecraft, which have been past every planet.
The solar system is very old
Scientists estimate our solar system to be about 4.57 billion years old.
Why We Love World Space Week
Learn new secrets about our universe
Get to learn new things about our universe and stay in the picture, as hardworking space scientists unravel secrets about our world. We also get to know whatever threats our planet faces.
Build the public’s interest in science and technology
Events like Word Space Week not only inspire kids but adults as well. They encourage public participation through its numerous fun programs and activities, to get everyone on board the science and technology train.
Have fun with family and friends
World Space Week is a good occasion to spend time with friends and family. Whether by watching good old classic space movies like “Star Trek'' together or visiting the planetarium, space week is an excellent time to have fun and learn by experiencing them through the lens of space science.
World Space Week dates
Year | Date | Day |
2025 | October 4–10 | Saturday–Friday |
2026 | October 4–10 | Sunday–Saturday |
2027 | October 4–10 | Monday–Sunday |
2028 | October 4–10 | Wednesday–Tuesday |
2029 | October 4–10 | Thursday–Wednesday |