MonJun 2

Western Australia Day – June 2, 2025

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Western Australia Day celebrates the day British captain Charles Fremantle claimed Western Australia for the British in 1829, setting up the Swan River Colony. While the day was originally called “Foundation Day,” it has since been renamed to include all Western Australians, including aboriginal communities. WA Day takes place on the first Monday in June, falling on June 2 this year.

Western Australia Day Activities

  1. Hit a free festival

    WA Day is marked by free festivals across Australia — including Mandurah, Bunbury, Albany, Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Geraldton, Onslow, Newman, and Port Hedland.

  2. Gala Dinner

    The highlight of WA Day is the Western Australian of the Year Awards. Folks nearby can purchase tickets to the Gala Dinner, while others can stream the event.

  3. Attend SOTA

    SOTA is a live music festival, held in Elizabeth Quay to celebrate WA Day — which features everything from alt-rock to Aussie hip-hop.

Why We Love Western Australia Day

  1. Western Australian Pride

    WA Day, as it's colloquially known, is a public holiday in Western Australia — and also serves as a basis for the Western Australian of the Year Awards, which celebrate outstanding achievement in these categories: Community, Professions, Sport and Youth, Aboriginal, Community, and Arts & Culture.

  2. It's now more inclusive

    From a day that celebrated British colonization, WA Day has become a way to celebrate all Western Australians, no matter how long they've been in the country.

  3. It's a musical

    WA Day even has its own playlist — which can be found here — with plenty of classics all Western Australians are bound to love.

Western Australia Day dates

Year Date Day
2021 June 7 Monday
2022 June 6 Monday
2023 June 5 Monday
2024 June 3 Monday
2025 June 2 Monday