TueJul 8

Oneofusismissing Day – July 8, 2025

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Oneofusismissing Day is observed on July 8. The day memorializes our loved ones who have departed. It’s a day of healing and remembrance, shared grief, and consolation. It encourages those who live on to be grateful for every day they draw breath because life is a gift, and we should not squander it. The holiday is observed through group conversations, storytelling, and watching family videos. We set aside all differences in race, religion, class, and creed to unite our appreciation of life and those who are no longer with us.

History of Oneofusismissing Day

Oneofusismissing Day was started in April 2021 by Latonya Brown after she lost her daughter in an accident. While grieving over her loss, Brown realized that the sudden death of her child did not and could not sum up her life. Instead, it was a reminder that we only have one life, one chance to make the most out of it before our time on earth ends.

Every day, people lose their loved ones — illness, accidents, crime, and suicide are some of the causes — but it doesn’t matter how these people died or why. What matters is how we choose to remember them and live our lives after they’re gone. One of us will always be missing, and that’s okay because there is life after death. It’s okay for us to move on. It’s okay to laugh and enjoy life. People shouldn’t feel guilty about letting go of a painful past or moving on from a tragic loss.

There is no set way to mourn the dead. Some may talk of the five stages of grief and other coping strategies, but the truth is, there is no definitive way to deal with grief and loss. However, by leaning on others, talking about our loss, and working through it, we move one step closer to getting better and being happy again.

Oneofusismissing Day timeline

117 A.D.
The “Toga Pulla”

The tradition of wearing black to funerals begins in ancient Rome.

St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre

Queen Elizabeth I of England, and her royal court, wear all-black clothing to mourn the murdered Huguenots.

A White Funeral

Queen Wilhemina of the Netherlands has a white funeral for her late husband, Prince Henry.

Jazz Funerals Return

Jazz funerals, famous in the 1800s and into the 20th century, make a comeback in the U.S.

Oneofusismissing Day FAQs

What is the ratio of dying in a car crash?

The current figure is 12.9 per 100,000 accidents in the U.S.

How many car crashes occur in America?

In the U.S., there are over six million passenger car accidents each year.

How often do seat belts fail?

According to the N.H.T.S.A., 40,000 fatalities and three million injuries, due to seatbelt failures during car accidents, are reported annually.

How to Observe Oneofusismissing Day

  1. Talk about them

    People live on in our memories of them. Talk about the time you spent with your loved ones, the good and bad moments, to keep their spirit alive.

  2. Do something they loved

    Listen to their favorite artist. Cook or eat their comfort food. Watch a movie they always loved.

  3. Offer your support

    You’re most likely not the only one grieving your loved one. Offer your support to others working through the pain of the same loss. Sometimes, a sympathetic ear is all they need.

5 Crucial Facts About Grief

  1. Grief is normal

    Grief is a normal response to human loss, and no one should be ashamed of or angered by it.

  2. Stronger ties mean a more substantial loss

    The more you care about someone and value your relationship with them, the deeper you’ll mourn when they’re gone.

  3. It doesn’t disappear forever

    Grief comes in waves and will always be a part of you, but you will learn to live with it and even appreciate its memories.

  4. You can’t grieve alone

    Humans are social animals who need to reach out to others for support and aid in almost all things to survive.

  5. Don’t shut it down

    Suppressing grief doesn’t take it away, only going through it does.

Why Oneofusismissing Day is Important

  1. Spiritual healing

    There’s something spiritual about coming together to mourn the dead. The effects aren’t always immediately visible, but they are there. Don’t underestimate the power of spiritual healing in helping you work through your grief.

  2. We work towards closure

    Closure rarely arrives immediately after losing someone. We can find closure and accept our loss through periods of reflection and remembrance. This holiday encourages us to begin the road to recovery.

  3. A way to bond through grief

    Everyone’s grief is unique, but the pain of loss is the same. In observing this special day, we grow our relationships with other people going through the same pain and form new bonds.

Oneofusismissing Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 July 8 Tuesday
2026 July 8 Wednesday
2027 July 8 Thursday
2028 July 8 Saturday
2029 July 8 Sunday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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