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National Retirement Security Week – October 19-25, 2025

The average retirement age in the United States is between 62 and 67 years. According to a recent survey released by Ubiquity Retirement + Savings — a leading fintech company whose mission is to help every small business employee save for retirement — 80% of Americans say that saving for retirement is critically important. However, only 56% of Americans actually are. National Retirement Security Week, held during the third week in October, is a dedicated effort to raising awareness and helping individuals take concrete steps towards a secure retirement. The weeklong observance was initiated in 2006 after U.S. Senators Gordon Smith (R-OR) and Kent Conrad (D-ND) introduced a resolution for its creation. Beyond elevating public knowledge on the subject, those leading National Retirement Security Week (October 19-23 this year) encourages employees to speak to a retirement plan consultant or expert, and participate in an employer-sponsored retirement plan if available.

National Retirement Security Week timeline

September 13, 2006
The Senate passes the resolution

By unanimous consent, the Senate votes to designate the third week in October as National Retirement Security Week.

August 3, 2006
National Retirement Security Week is proposed

U.S. Senators Gordon Smith (R-OR) and Kent Conrad (D-ND) introduce a resolution to establish the weeklong observation.

National Retirement Security Week - Survey Results

How to Observe National Retirement Security Week

  1. Start saving money

    Ubiquity Retirement + Savings discovered that 32% of Americans didn’t start saving until they were in their 30s, and another 13% waited until their 40s to prepare for retirement. Don't wait any longer, start saving now.

  2. Speak with a retirement plan consultant or expert

    Nearly 60% of Americans say they have a workable knowledge of how their retirement vehicles operate, but 30% say they don’t know much about how their's works, if anything at all. Find a consultant or expert who can guide you through the details and works closely with you to develop a retirement strategy that meets your needs.

  3. Spread the word

    Most money-related issues are tagged with a me-first mentality, but preparing for retirement should never be viewed as a competition — National Retirement Security Week is the result of a bipartisan effort, after all. Whether you share a post about the week on your social channels, ask your friends if they are on track for a secure retirement, or set up a meeting at work to discuss retirement planning with your coworkers, just do your part to get the word out there.

5 Tips Everyone Should Know About Saving For Retirement From Ubiquity Retirement + Savings

  1. Automate Your Saving

    Have your contributions automatically deducted from your paycheck to guarantee that you're saving.

  2. Boost Contributions as You Age

    If you're over 50 years old, you can save an extra $6,000 per year tax deferred.

  3. If You're Young, Invest More Aggressively

    Choosing a more aggressive investment strategy early will quickly grow your nest egg and give you time to recoup if the market takes a dip.

  4. Meet Your Company Match

    If your company offers to match your contribution up to a certain percentage do it. It is free money and as Ubiquity Retirement + Savings CEO Chad Parks points out, that match can be tax-deductible for your employer.

  5. Diversify Your Retirement Vehicles

    Add a tax-advantaged retirement account like a Roth IRA so that some of your saving grows tax free. For more information visit

Why National Retirement Security Week is Important

  1. Planning for the future is paramount

    While we don't think it's practical to plan out every aspect of one's life, looking forward when it comes to saving money is imperative. While there's nothing wrong with using welfare if you absolutely need it, but it shouldn't be your only choice in terms of financial support during your retirement years.

  2. Retirement funds are a concern for most people

    According to Ubiquity Retirement + Savings, 66% of Americans are worried that they won't have enough money saved up by the time they retire. These concerns aren't unjustified. 1 in 3 Americans currently have less than $5,000 saved — an amount that would last a few months at most depending on location — and it is predicted that half of Americans won't be able to maintain their standard of living once they retire.

  3. Not all employees are offered a retirement plan

    While 28% of Americans take full advantage of their company’s retirement saving options, 20% aren't even offered a plan by their employer. This week is here to help guide those individuals to alternative solutions, like an Individual Retirement Account (IRA).

National Retirement Security Week dates

Year Date Day
2021 October 17 Sunday
2022 October 16 Sunday
2023 October 15 Sunday
2024 October 20 Sunday
2025 October 19 Sunday