WedApr 30

National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day – April 30, 2025

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National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day is celebrated across the nation on April 30 and we are getting ready to observe the day by going to pet shelters, adopting as many pets as possible, spreading the word among our friends and colleagues, and taking to social media to spread the message to everyone. Did you know, every year, just in the U.S., about 6.5 million animals go into animal shelters? More interestingly, roughly half of them are cats and half of them are dogs.

History of National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day

The American Humane Society created Adopt A Dog Month every October back in 1981. This was done to raise awareness about dogs stuck in the shelter system. People’s collective efforts could get a pet a home of their own.

Soon after, other pet owners started talking about having a day where not just dogs but every pet is celebrated and people are made aware of the need and benefits of adopting these animals as pets. That’s how the National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day was started on April 30.

This day is a reminder for people all over the nation to make an effort to help an animal at a pet shelter. Many people live alone and having a pet is indeed one of the best things to keep them company. With the efforts of National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day, people learn more about what it means to adopt a pet. Also, they are made aware of how having animals as pets can help them live healthy, fit, and long lives.

This day raises awareness for people to volunteer at their nearest animal shelters as they require year-round assistance. Adoption of animals is just one part of the process as animals are dropped at shelters every day. These shelters need help in ensuring the animal’s good health and well-being. This day is a reminder for everyone to make sure that they offer their support throughout the year. 

National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day timeline

Adopt a Dog Month Starts

The American Humane Society creates Adopt a Dog Month, which leads to National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day.

Shelter Adoption Increases

This day suddenly starts gaining more popularity, leading to more pets being adopted from shelter homes.

Appeal for a National Holiday

People begin requesting that Congress declare this as an official holiday so that more people are made aware of the importance of adopting pets.

Events to Celebrate Families that Adopt

Many cities across the United States, Puerto Rico, and Columbia start organizing events to celebrate the families who have adopted pets.

National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day FAQs

What day is National Pet Day?

National Pet Day is on April 11, when owners celebrate their furry companions. 

What day is adoption day at PetSmart?

Animals are connected to pet lovers at PetSmart, from November 2–22.

Is October Adopt A Shelter Dog Month?

October is Adopt a Dog Month, created by the American Humane Society.

National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day Activities

  1. Go to your nearest pet shelter

    On April 30, the first and foremost thing that you can do is visit your nearest pet shelter. Take your friends and colleagues along and try and adopt as many pets as possible to give these animals a new and loving home.

  2. Volunteer at an event

    If you already have a pet/s and are unable to take in more, then why not go to a pet shelter and help out for the day? Or, better still, you can volunteer at an event and help motivate more people to adopt pets.

  3. Promote it on social media

    Share stories, pictures, or videos with your pets on social media and create awareness among people about how cool it is to have a pet. Use relevant hashtags and inspire people to go to a shelter and adopt some pets!

5 Lesser-Known Facts About Pet Adoption

  1. How many there are

    Over 6.5 million animals enter U.S. pet shelters every year with approximately 3.3 million being dogs and 3.2 million being cats.

  2. Euthanized due to shelter shortage

    There is a tremendous shortage of pet shelters and, every year, over 1.5 million animals are euthanized, out of which 670,000 are dogs and 860,000 are cats.

  3. The adoption rate is decent

    Almost 3 million shelter animals are adopted every year as household pets, which is a relatively high number.

  4. Strays returned to owners

    There are also over 700,000+ stray animals at these shelters who are returned to their original owners, of which 620,000 are dogs and 90,000 are cats.

  5. The ratio of dogs to cats

    In the U.S., about 45% of households own a pet dog, while a pet cat is owned by about 36% of these households.

Why We Love National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day

  1. Pets need a family

    Animals who end up in shelters don’t have anywhere else to go and, due to a shortage of pet shelters, they have to be euthanized. This day helps people realize how they can bring home a cute pet and save its life. In turn, they add a new happy member to their family.

  2. We get to volunteer

    National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day is important to create awareness among the masses and, by volunteering at a shelter on this day, the help you provide is incomparable. It’s good to go out and volunteer.

  3. Witness simple, raw, and unhindered love

    On National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day, you can see how owners end up falling in love with their new cute pets. The bond and connection is instant and it shows you the power of simple, raw, and unhindered love.

National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 April 30 Wednesday
2026 April 30 Thursday
2027 April 30 Friday
2028 April 30 Sunday
2029 April 30 Monday