May Holidays
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May 7th Holidays

We have 19 holidays listed for May 7.

May 7th is the 127th day in the Gregorian calendar; it marks the anniversary of the founding of New Orleans and the launch of the Endeavor, a space shuttle sent to retrieve an Intelsat VI satellite. Famous May 7th birthdays include Adam Bernstein, Aidy Bryant, and Alexander Ludwig. May 7th also marks National Tourism Day.

Aces Day

Put on your workout shoes and stretchy pants, it's time to exercise.


Beaufort Scale Day

Beaufort Scale Day celebrates the simple yet effective scale that was invented 200 years ago.


Bladder Cancer Awareness Day

With timely medical treatment, patients with bladder cancer have a chance of long-term survival.


Great American Grump Out

Hey Great America! Let’s give our grumpy mood a day off today.


Love's Baby Soft Day

Love’s Baby Soft is a fragrance that takes you back to your teens.


National Anxiety Disorders Screening Day

Learn more about this day that draws attention to anxiety disorders and mental wellness.


National Avery Day

Calling all Averys! Step out in style today because it's a special occasion just for you.


National Barrier Awareness Day

We’ll help you reflect on the structures that act as barriers for people with disabilities.


National Cosmopolitan Day

Quench your thirst with a tipple of the Cosmo on National Cosmopolitan Day.


National Homebrew Day

Homebrewing is an art that needs serious tutelage. Let’s show you how to get started.


National Interpreter Appreciation Day

Can you imagine a world with no interpreters? We can’t! Celebrate National Interpreter Appreciation Day today!


National Packaging Design Day

National Packaging Design Day celebrates design professionals and the art of package design.


National Paste Up Day

Get your glue sticks and pictures ready to celebrate National Paste-Up Day!


National Roast Leg of Lamb Day

Want to know why this world-famous dish is celebrated? Read on to find out.


National Skilled Trades Day

Join millions across the country as we celebrate the tireless efforts of the skilled trades workforce.


Occupational Safety and Health Professional Day

We should never underestimate the importance of safety and health professionals and their contributions.


School Nurse Day

It’s time to shower school nurses with their deserved attention as we mark this important holiday.