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National Fresh Squeezed Juice Week – January 19-25, 2025

National Fresh Squeezed Juice Week is celebrated in the third full week of January every year. This year, it’s from January 19 to 25. Juice is one of the tastiest treats, filled with vitamins and minerals. There is hardly anyone who has not tasted juice. Squeezed juices are one of the most popular drinks to substitute for artificial drinks. It is also natural, nutrient-rich, free of artificial sugar, and low carb compared to most modern artificial drinks. The sweet taste of a squeezed juice is due to fructose, which is a natural sweetener inside fruits. As a bonus, fructose does not have the issues we have with normal sugar.

History of National Fresh Squeezed Juice Week

There is nothing better than enjoying a fresh-squeezed juice in the afternoon after lunch. The National Fresh Squeezed Juice Week is dedicated to enjoying the tasty bounty of nature. We do not know exactly who started the week or when it started. We do know that it falls on the third full week of January. Fruits are a gift from nature, filled with essential vitamins, minerals, fibers, and one of the sweetest tastes. Freshly squeezed juice offers many health benefits. It is the perfect healthy substitute for artificial drinks.

The relationship between humans and fruits started in the pre-historic era. We used to forage for fruits, but we only started fruit cultivation some 10,000 years ago. However, fruit juice took a few more centuries to be invented. Lemonade started to appear around the 16th century and marked the beginning of juice. There are records of grape pits from 8000 B.C., but scientists believe they were for wine production.

In 1936, Norman Wardhaugh Walker, a British businessman, created the first commercial juice maker. He proposed that consuming raw juice from fruits and vegetables could improve one’s health. His claims may not always have had scientific evidence, but thanks to him, we can now enjoy the tasty treat of fruits in liquid form. The machine he created was so innovative for his time that even after decades, the same machine is still in use. So, what are you waiting for? Pick a fruit and squeeze the juice out of it.

National Fresh Squeezed Juice Week timeline

14 B.C.
The Modern Form of Juice

Fruit juice starts to appear.

Age of Orange Juice

Orange juice mass production starts in Florida.

The Invention of the Blender

Mr. Stephen Poplawski invented the blender for making soda fountain drinks.

The Earliest Evidence of Fruit Found

Archeologists discover the earliest evidence of cultivated fruit from a site near Jericho.

National Fresh Squeezed Juice Week FAQs

How long does squeezed fruit juice last?

It is always better to drink freshly squeezed juice. Yeasts start to ferment the juice within a few hours. So it is best to drink within two hours. Packed and pasteurized juice has an expiry date mentioned on the bottle itself.

What happens if I drink fresh juice every day?

There are lots of myths and exaggerated claims regarding the benefits of fresh juice. But the major benefits that have a scientific basis are the reduction of blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, and weight.

Is freshly squeezed juice bad for you?

Fresh juice contains most of the vitamins and antioxidants from the fruits. However, the fiber content is lower in juice compared to eating raw fruit. But juice is still a better option than canned drinks.

National Fresh Squeezed Juice Week Activities

  1. Make the freshest squeezed juice

    It is National Fresh Squeezed Juice week and what is better than making a different juice and enjoying one each day? Pick your favorite fruits and start squeezing.

  2. Host a juice party

    Invite your friends for a juice party. Make fruits as the party theme. Ask everyone to dress as fruits and bring their homemade juice to the party.

  3. Experiment with the best combinations

    Have you ever tried mixing juices? This is the perfect week to experiment with creating the best juice combo. Ask for suggestions from your friends and family too.

5 Important Facts About Juices

  1. Pasteurized juices

    Pasteurized juice is made by heating the fresh juice to kill the microbes, and in the process, the nutrient value is also decreased.

  2. Orange is popular

    Orange is the most popular juice and the most preferred fruit for making juice.

  3. Juicy Canada

    Canada drinks the most juice in the world.

  4. Brazilian might

    The South American country of Brazil is the largest producer of orange juice.

  5. Sweet grape

    Grape juice is the sweetest juice with the highest sugar content.

Why We Love National Fresh Squeezed Juice Week

  1. A week to taste the best

    We are celebrating National Fresh Squeezed Juice Week by drinking a lot of fresh juice. Fresh juice is rich in vitamin C and other nutrients that boost immunity and health.

  2. It lowers artificial sugar

    By consuming juice, we are not just adding nutrients, but we are also decreasing canned drink usage. Canned drinks contain sugar, which can increase your blood sugar level. We can reduce the number of artificial sweeteners in our bodies by drinking more fruits.

  3. The best week to change unhealthy habits

    We are addicted to canned drinks and it is not doing anything good for our health. This is a perfect week to bring in some changes. Add some natural substitutes to artificial food.

National Fresh Squeezed Juice Week dates

Year Date Day
2022 January 16 Sunday
2023 January 15 Sunday
2024 January 21 Sunday
2025 January 19 Sunday
2026 January 18 Sunday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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