MonJul 21

No Pet Store Puppies Day – July 21, 2025

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No Pet Store Puppies Day is celebrated on July 21 every year to raise public awareness of puppy mills and their connections to pet stores that sell puppies, kittens, and rabbits. The holiday also encourages people to adopt their best friend from a local shelter or rescue or to do their research and find a legitimate breeder.

We’re reminding dog owners why pet stores aren’t a good place to get a new puppy. We believe that many of us are now aware of the dangers of the puppy mill industry. It is prudent to remind or educate others who may be unfamiliar with the pet shop industry.

History of No Pet Store Puppies Day

Crop failures in the Midwest following World War II prompted the rise of puppy mills. Although it may be difficult to believe today, the United States Department of Agriculture (U.S.D.A.) actively promoted puppy mills as profitable and fail-safe companies. The government encouraged farmers to pack dogs into chicken coops and rabbit hutches and sell puppies to pet stores.

According to the U.S.D.A., there are currently between 2,000 and 3,000 federally registered commercial breeding facilities in the United States, with approximately 1,045 of them ‌in Missouri (645), Iowa (237), and Kansas (178). There are around 10,000 puppy mill breeders, according to the USDA. However, due to their smaller scale, most of these breeders are not properly regulated or are not required to be licensed. Because the U.S.D.A. does not track these breeders, determining the number of puppy mills in the United States is nearly impossible.

It’s also difficult to determine how many dogs live in puppy mills since some breeders aren’t allowed to keep precise records, or if the breeder is illegal, they won’t keep records on purpose. Each year, approximately 1,075,896 puppies are born in U.S.D.A.-licensed facilities, with about 176,088 canines kept for breeding, according to the Humane Society of the United States (H.S.U.S.). The H.S.U.S. also estimates that 2.15 million puppies are sold each year. Unfortunately, the U.S.D.A. has no control over the internet, where many of these puppies are sold.

It’s heartbreaking to think that hundreds of thousands of dogs spend their entire lives in small, dingy, overcrowded cages, without even the most basic veterinary care.

No Pet Store Puppies Day timeline

Puppy Mills Become A Problem

Puppy mills rise as a problem because of crop issues in the Midwest following WWII.

Supply And Demand

Puppy mills, pet stores, local veterinary clinics, and suburban homes with multiple children all contribute to a supply and demand cycle that peaks in the prosperous 1990s.

The Animal Welfare Act

Organizations such as the Humane Society of the United States investigate breeding kennels, which leads to the passage of the Animal Welfare Act on August 24.

Media Coverage

A broadcast on puppy mills aired on M.S.N.B.C., in which talk show star Oprah Winfrey shows an industry riddled with difficulties and apparent brutality.

No Pet Store Puppies Day FAQs

Where do puppies in pet stores come from?

Most pet store puppies come from commercial dog breeding operations (also known as puppy mills), where profit comes before animal welfare. Dogs are often crammed into filthy, overcrowded, piled wire cages, where they are denied nutritious food, clean water, and basic veterinary care.

How can you tell if a breeder is running a pet store?

If the seller/breeder is local, he or she will refuse to show potential consumers where the animals are raised and housed. It’s most likely a puppy mill if the breeder/seller does not ask many questions and if you can click and pay for a puppy without first having it screened. The seller/breeder provides no guarantee about you or the pet.

What’s the deal with pet store dogs being so pricey?

For a variety of reasons, pet store puppies can be more expensive than those from shelters and reputable breeders. First and foremost, pet shops are businesses that will sell a puppy for the highest possible price. Second, your puppy will almost certainly require more veterinarian care than the usual puppy.

No Pet Store Puppies Day Activities

  1. Do your research before adopting

    Do your research before making a purchase, and always meet the parent dogs where they live to ensure you’re not supporting a puppy mill. Better yet, adopt your next best buddy from one of your local shelters or rescues!

  2. Educate your loved ones

    Inform people about how and why certain pets in pet stores are not being cared for. Involve your family members in the cause.

  3. Share it on social media

    Thanks to social media, many pets can find permanent homes. Make use of your online social media presence to raise awareness about less adoptable animals.

5 Interesting Facts About Pet Stores

  1. There is an estimate of 10,000 puppy mills

    Puppy mills can be found anywhere, according to the evidence, and there are an estimated 10,000 puppy mills in the United States.

  2. Pet stores are sourced from large-scale factories

    Puppy mills solely exist to produce puppies as cheaply as possible.

  3. 16 states have no legislation law

    While prohibition varies by jurisdiction, there are now 16 states that have no restrictions on puppy mill activities.

  4. A quarter of pet stores are approved

    While commercial mill restrictions may be lax in some areas, some operations follow whatever regulations are in place.

  5. 130,000 female dogs are primarily for breeding

    These dogs exist solely to be bred, to bear puppies to term, and to nurse them for the first few weeks of their lives.

Why We Love No Pet Store Puppies Day

  1. It raises awareness about the cruelty of pet stores

    No Pet Store Puppies Day promotes the adoption of animals into permanent homes where they will be safe and cherished. Because the breeding process is neglected in pet stores, puppy mill puppies typically have health issues and genetic flaws.

  2. It reminds us that every animal deserves love

    No Pet Store Puppies Day serves as a reminder that all animals are deserving of love. The holiday encourages us to open our hearts and homes to dogs in need.

  3. It makes us kinder

    Pets bring us happiness and affection. On No Pet Store Puppies Day, we become gentler people who are happy to adore all creatures, no matter how "imperfect" they may appear.

No Pet Store Puppies Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 July 21 Monday
2026 July 21 Tuesday
2027 July 21 Wednesday
2028 July 21 Friday
2029 July 21 Saturday