We have 17 holidays listed for December 12.
Choral Day
Join us as thousands of choirs around the world get together to unite in song.
Constitution Day in Thailand
Join the colorful parades and street festivities taking place on Constitution Day in Thailand.
Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe
Celebrate with us and we honor the day the Virgin Mary appeared before a young man.
Festival of Unmentionable Thoughts
We are all guilty of having unmentionable thoughts every now and then.
Gingerbread Decorating Day
Gingerbread cookies, gingerbread houses … it’s a gingerbread world to unleash your artsy side!
Green Monday
Leave space on your credit cards, it's a dash to the finish line!
Guadalupe Day
She is a remarkable part of believers’ daily lives — in their homes, churches, prayers, and community.
International Day of Neutrality
The possibility of a utopian world is promoted annually on International Day of Neutrality.
International Universal Health Coverage Day
Promote this holiday to support the provision of affordable healthcare to everyone.
Jamhuri Day
Let’s take a look at Kenyan independence and the way it is celebrated.
National Ambrosia Day
Bring a healthy, invigorating dish to life, and expect it to do marvelous things for your youth.
National Ding-A-Ling Day
National Ding-A-Ling Day is one of those uniquely American inventions.
National Poinsettia Day
That pop of floral color in everyone's home means the holidays are right around the corner.
Pa Togan Nengminza Sangma
Learn more about the history of Pa-Togan Nengminza Sangma and how to celebrate this holiday.
Universal Health Coverage Day
Let’s come together to demand action on universal health coverage.