75 Christmas Traditions
Christmas celebrations vary among cultures and religions all around the planet - come and learn more here!

Christmas occurs once a year. The festive season is one to look out for. With the religious faith that appreciates it, it is advisable to have it rightly done.
Learning about various cultures concerning the Christmas holiday will allow more insight into Christmas traditions. Traditions can be specific to certain locations and nations, while others may be international.
Let’s explore a comprehensive list of Christmas traditions from Europe to the Americas!
In Europe

Dance Around the Christmas Tree
Will a Dane Dance on Christmas? Europeans love to gather around Christmas trees to sing carols, hymns, and songs. It’s a wholesome way to stay jolly, shake the winter off, and respond to the birth of the savior of the world. This practice was encouraged to spend time before the opening of gifts. The families hold hands and dance! Some even don a Christmas costume to add to your happiness.
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Put up Christmas stockings
It is a European tradition to hang up Christmas stockings and leave them out for Santa to fill with gifts and fruits. Stockings can be a novelty, for example, with snowflakes, plaid, or even traditionally green and red! Prepare yours for the festive season, and never look back.
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Send Christmas Cards
This tradition is massively popular and is a traditional standard. A Christmas card allows for greeting persons with themes related to Christmastide inspiring the cards. This tradition has roots in the UK. Sir Henry Cole, one of the founders of the modern-day post office, introduced these cards to ordinary people. This Victorian tradition shouldn’t phase you. Get a Christmas card and send it to touch a soul.
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Have a Candy Cane Scavenger Hunt
Candy Cane is an old story from 1670. Sweets were handed out to young children by a choirmaster at Cologne Cathedral in Germany to keep them quiet. Since it was Christmas time, he bent the candy canes to resemble a shepherd’s crook. The choirmaster’s action became a game that is loved by many. Gather your loved ones together to play the candy cane Scavenger Hunt.
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Fill your boots!
Boots, boots, and more boots! See if you can guess what goes into boots. That’s right! Boots are similar to stockings and get filled with gifts and little treats. Christmas boots get decorated with beautiful prints to encourage Santa to pick them up.
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Throw Christmas shoes!
This Christmas tradition in the Czech Republic can get a girl married if done right. On Christmas Eve, unmarried girls throw shoes towards a door at their back by hurling them over their shoulders. If the shoe points towards the door, they are guaranteed to be married next year. Try this tradition yourself and throw a shoe toward a door.
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Feed the Dead
This ritual fuels fear and horror. The Portuguese feed the dead on the Christmas Dinner feast. They leave a place for their loved ones at their dinner tables. This tradition is due to the belief that it will bring good fortune! Christ’s birth accompanies this with the renewal of commitments. It, therefore, is fitting to have memories rekindled in the spiritual journey of the Portuguese. Why not set a place this Christmas to remember your loved one?
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Sing Christmas carols
Poland is said to have the most Christmas Carols in the world. Christmas Carols are music meant for the festive period, typically narrating the birth of Christ, the three wise men, or other biblical fables. You can join Europe in commemorating Christmas by singing carols at churches or in any location where congregations for vigils occur.
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Exchange gifts
The exchanging of presents occurs either December 24th, 25th, or 26th depending on a country’s culture. For example, Spanish cultures swap gifts on the Epiphany of January 6th. These gifts pass between loved ones on December 24 every year. This tradition began in the European countries of Luxembourg, Slovenia, Holland, Hungary, Greece, and Belgium 19 days before Christmas on St. Nicholas Day.
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Catalans Caga Tió!
In Spain, there is a tradition of filling a log with candy. After this, people beat the bark to retrieve the sweets, like a pinata. This tradition is unique to large Catalan cities such as Barcelona. These logs are available to children in the early days of December. Try this tradition yourself and treat yourself to some Christmas candy.
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Tell Tales of Christmas Demons
The alleged Christmas Demon is Krampus. Krampus comes from the German language meaning claw, and he is the evil companion of Saint Nicholas. Krampus is said to punish children that misbehave during Christmas. Tell stories of his ventures to ensure good behavior from your children this Christmas.
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Hide Brooms
Norwegians hide brooms on Christmas day to keep them away from witches. Due to this holiday being holy in the Christian faith, this tradition prevents any pagan traditions or ideology. We can emulate the simple solution this Christmas by first acquiring some Brooms.
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Attend a Christmas Eve church service
Have you had a Christmas day party? Alright, let’s try the European way. The main celebration for Europeans is a Christmas Eve mass followed by a meal. Since Christmas is a big festival, the meal is always in large quantities. Why not get a good Christmas suit for the Christmas service?
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Plot boats alongside Christmas Trees
Boats in Greece are decorated around Christmas time to match the decorated trees. This tradition helps to bless and appreciate that God had allowed the sailors to return home safely. Get an ornament to help you keep these fishermen in your memory on Christmas.

Host a Christmas party
A Christmas party is an event where you celebrate the Christmas holiday. This event is the right time to share gifts and goodies designed for the season. You can choose a range of activities, from stocking guessing games to Christmas charades.
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Set up a nativity scene
The European Parliament, for the first time, displayed the nativity scene in 2022. The nativity scene is called Pessebre in Spain. Every year in Genoa, Italy, the biggest nativity scene worldwide is on display. Let’s get a little original and have the Bethlehem scene in our homes on Christmas.
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Go caroling in the neighborhood
When discussing Christmas carols, the questions regarding where they began and who sang them always come up. Carolers went door to door singing Christmas carols, so why not keep the tradition going by practicing your singing pipes?
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Make and display a Christmas countdown calendar
The Christmas countdown calendar is an exciting tradition. This tradition involves an Advent calendar to count the days remaining until Christmas. Since the first Sunday of Advent may fall within the November 27 to December 3 range, most Advent calendars for the Christmas countdown start on December 1. Acquire a Christmas Calendar to watch the passing days of Advent.
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Crackers are straight from Europe. The country responsible, Britain, may have exited the European Union, but Britain still bears the credit of having the first cracker. Tom Smith, an honorable confectioner, started adding mottos to his bon-bon. In the early 1850s, paper wrappers held sugared almonds. Add in some cracking jokes and get others involved!
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Listen to Christmas music
Germany is the country that supposedly listens to Christmas music the most, despite the USA having the most music listeners worldwide. Listen to Christmas music in a relaxed atmosphere, and purchase a music box gift to spread the tradition to your loved ones.
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Decorate with Christmas Baubles
The Alpine town, Lauscha in Germany, is credited to have created the first bauble. Hans Greiner began to make them in the 1800s. Originally they were no other Christmas ornaments, but they became a huge success. Purchase a beautiful selection of baubles to make an impact during Christmas.
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Decorate with Spiderwebs!
Ukrainians believe that hanging spider webs on a Christmas tree will bring good luck in the new year. You can purchase one and be in solidarity with the suffering nation.
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In Asia

Celebrate Romance Day!
In Asia, especially Japan, Christmas is the most romantic time. This aspect is most portrayed on Christmas Eve when lovers cling together. The holiday celebration has a good effect on the nation. Why not read a romance book on Christmas to live up to this tradition?
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Ride a Motorcycle!
Christmas in Vietnam is just like any other. It has Santa, parades, carols, and parties. However, what stands out most is the love of motorcycles. Instead of having Santa on a sleigh, the Vietnamese have him on such a vehicle. Why not buy a Santa on a motorcycle blow-up display?
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Give out Apples!
Since the Mandarin word for peace sounds like an apple, people give them to each other as gifts. They are wrapped to mirror Christmas gifts exchanged on Christmas Eve. Buy one as a gift to enlighten this culture forever.
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Go ice skating!
This tradition of ice skating is a popular activity at Christmas. Ice skating in Britain during this season is a must. There are numerous ice rinks around London where you can enjoy skating. Have a fun and memorable Christmas by buying some ice skates and getting moving on the ice rink during Christmas. You can also get a miniature skating pond accessory to memorialize this event.
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Host a Christmas karaoke night
The Chinese celebrate Christmas by singing in a karaoke bar. Karaoke originated in Japan before spreading over Asia. Why not set up a karaoke box at home and celebrate the holidays with your family and loved ones?
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In America

Carve Radishes!
In Mexico, radishes are intricately carved, prepared, and sold to merchants. The tradition started around the early twentieth century when Mexicans sold radishes at a zócolo. This ever-growing carving industry is fun to join, so why not try it this year? Get some Fruit Carving tools this Christmas to carve radishes!
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Hang stockings by the fireplace
Saint Nicholas is a beloved Saint. He put some gold coins into the stockings of three poor young girls who were sisters. Try your luck by hanging up your stocking on simple, golden holders! Santa might leave you an extra little gift!
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Skate to church!
In Venezuela, all roads are closed to facilitate skating to church on Christmas. The skating also takes place throughout Christmas Eve night. After skating, the people attend Mass in the morning. So, if Christmas is too soon, some skates in Venezuela will help you enjoy it.
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Watch classic Christmas movies
If you’re an American, have you watched “Home Alone”? A 2022 survey stated that 87% had done so. Another classic Christmas movie is Elf, A Christmas Story on Disney+, Hull, Max, and Netflix. Keep an eye out for our list of the top Christmas Movies!
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Make and wear ugly Christmas sweaters
The tradition of wearing ugly Christmas sweaters began in the early 2000s in Vancouver. The event, held at the Commodore, is said to be a big hit. Even if you cannot travel to Canada, you can always get an ugly Christmas sweater and make your friends laugh.
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Watch the Nutcracker ballet
Watching the Nutcracker ballet during Christmas is a classic. In the ballet, a sugar plum fairy and a Nutcracker fight the evil mouse king with the help of dancing sweets. Millions of Americans are part of the audience every year. Why not celebrate alongside them by going to see a ballet?
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Go on a horse-drawn carriage ride
Having a horse-drawn carriage is popular in various parts of the US. This tradition brings back fond memories of Christmas in a pre-motorized world. The carriages drawn by the horses range from convertible carriages that can withstand bad weather to open carriages. You can also treat your children to a model carriage to remind them of this tradition.
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Santa Goes Surfing
Australia may appear far from the birthplace of Jesus Christ. As such, with oceans between the country and Bethlehem, Australia’s tradition is a Surfing Santa competition! This tradition is evident in Cocoa Beach, Florida, USA.
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Write gratitude letters to loved ones
Once Christmas is over, it is good to be grateful for all that took place. Letters are more than a tradition but also good manners to express appreciation to all involved in making Christmas a success. You can have beautiful postcards to say thank you and wish each other luck.
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Make handmade gifts
During Christmas, the world has the habit of making gifts by hand. These unique gifts aid the gift giver in avoiding sending similar gifts to different people. You can make recipes, stovetops, and other forms of art. You can also purchase handmade gifts from shops such as Etsy.
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Send care packages to deployed troops
Care packages are to help the troops at the front line of battlefields enjoy Christmas. These gifts contain necessities such as socks, books, and a mug. Whether you have a relative or friend in the army or simply wish to send one to an anonymous soldier, these packages are meaningful for the sender and the receiver.
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Enjoy some holiday coloring!
Alongside arts and crafts, coloring is part of the Christmas tradition. You can get coloring books for adults and children alike. Coloring in this manner also promises to ease anxious people throughout this hectic period.
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Take some family photos!
Photos are perfect for saving memories. Since the birth of Jesus Christ, Christmas has always been a family affair. Purchase a Christmas backdrop to achieve an artsy effect as you stand among your family and loved ones.
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Make Paper Snowflakes
Paper Snowflakes were gifts in the Victorian era to create joy and enthusiasm during the cold holiday. Try making these historic snowflakes by cutting decorative shapes into folded cards or paper.
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Take Your Family To Watch A Local Christmas Parade!
Multiple countries have a Christmas Parade and often make a show of turning on the Christmas lights. These parades often involve Santa among the band or group of dancing, singing, and marching people. You can get to see what happens in a Christmas parade and appreciate it.
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Write Sweet Lunch Box Notes
For school-going kids, communication with their parents is an all-year-round affair. Through little lunch box messages, a parent reminds, motivates, and encourages their kid of their strength. Christmas is no exception, as this time of importance in the Christmas traditions will require a parent to remind the child of the season. Heartfelt Christmas notes are always something worthwhile.
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Have a pajama party!
When we mention this, we do not only mean Christmas Pajamas but also any other cozy outfit worn during Christmas. Some families do so for the family photos, and others would like to stand out, while others just love to practice this tradition. Matching pajama sets create a sense of family throughout the holiday and are available online.
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Try a holiday recipe book!
The meal and feasts of Christmas are a crucial part of the celebrations. Why not learn how to cook a new meal this Christmas? Recipe books are compilations of different recipes that classify into similar categories, or the book may address specifically themed foods. A Christmas recipe book allows you to show your expertise. Buying a new holiday recipe book and trying new recipes is a good Christmas tradition for all the family.

Make snow angels!
In the Northern Hemisphere, Christmas is a very snowy time. G outside, lie on your back on a patch of snow and happily move your arms in and out. Climb out carefully and admire the result. You now have a snow angel! You can explore the mysterious tradition of snow angels on Christmas.
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Use commemorative stamps
Stamps are special. During holidays and events, they are commemorative and become highly collectible. Stamps often commemorate events, such as the anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ. They also get dated for Christmas each year. Get some beautiful Christmas commemorative stamps to decorate your cards and presents.

Wear Santa Claus gear!
Santa Claus refers to Saint Nicholas. He also goes by Father Christmas, Pere Noel, Babba Notele, or Kris Kringle. His kindness spreads love across the world. His gear entails a red jacket, hat, and pants that are fur trimmed, a broad buckled belt, and black boots. Why not don this gear and surprise the kids in your neighborhood?
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Read-aloud Christmas poems
Christmas poems are part of holiday traditions in the new and past eras. Through poems, histories of ideas, feelings, and beliefs about Christmas come to life. These ideas are expressed through intense diction such as rhyme, imagery, and rhythm. Read some beautiful poetry to try out this Christmas.
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Build A Friendly Snowman
Raymond Briggs created his picture book The Snowman in 1978. Since then, its musical poem and animation have graced British televisions every Christmas. The story celebrates the magic and innocent wonder of building a friendly snowman. To create one, place a smaller ball atop a sizable snowball. Use stones for the eyes, a carrot for the nose, small pebbles for the mouth, and wrap him up with a soft scarf.
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Have a family game night
A family game night is a quality tradition for all ages. With competition and teaming, the game will draw love from all the family. With games both online and tabletop, this is a perfect tradition for the Christmas season.
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Create homemade ornaments
Christmas is the time to put up some stunning decorations. Some are hand-crafted. These ornaments range from brush stroke ornaments, shaken paint ornaments to spindle ornaments. If artistic crafts are not your style, you can still appreciate the skilled work of others by buying handmade ornaments.
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Go on a sleigh ride
A sleigh ride drawn by a reindeer or horse makes the Christmas season feel traditional. The wintery environment and cold and snowy environments accompanying a sleigh ride make for a spark of joy at the birth of Jesus Christ. Most people dream of joining Santa on his sleigh ride as he delivers gifts. Why not have a sleigh of your own this Christmas?
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Attend a candlelight service
Jesus Christ, the child celebrated to have been born as a human being but still God, is regarded as the world’s light. Some Christians lay out candles on Christmas Eve and enjoy a candlelight mass to commemorate this. The candlelight also signifies the star of Bethlehem, which the three wise men followed to find baby Jesus.
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See a Firework Display!
You may think that only Peru, Colombia, and other American countries use fireworks as traditional celebrations. This practice is evident worldwide, including in Germany, where some intersections had fireworks thrown on Christmas. Let the fine display welcome the birth of Jesus Christ.
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Find the Elf on a Shelf
Would you like to be on Santa’s nice list? If yes, let’s understand what an Elf on a Shelf tradition is about. According to tradition, elves fly to the North Pole at night to report to Santa. Tradition says that children act better behaved if their elf is around.
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Food Traditions

Feast on Turkey!
Since Britain discovered America, with the influence of King Henry VIII, eating turkey grew into an international Christmas tradition. Turkey or Hams are the traditional Christmas Dinner meats. These meats accompany mashed potatoes, vegetables, cranberry sauce, and stuffing. Get cooking and have Christ be born in your heart.
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Hand out and enjoy a chocolate bar!
Chocolate is a European tradition, especially on Christmas. St.Nicholas, the Bishop of Myra in Turkey, is believed to have inspired this tradition. The deep brown color enriches the feelings of the birth of Jesus Christ. Eating that luxury bar is a must on Christmas.
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Bake and decorate Christmas cookies
We recommend you decorate any cookies after they finish baking and cooling to prevent the icing from melting. The smell of baking these cookies is one you’ll grow fond of. Get a cookie stamp to make Christmas an outstanding one!
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Cook Chapati
East Africans love to celebrate Christmas by eating homemade Chapati. This food comes from wheat flour and is an unleavened flatbread. Chapati originated in India by the name Safati and gradually melded into Swahili culture. You can knead and have some African Christmas fun by having some Chapati.
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Make magical reindeer food!
Magical reindeer food is food left outside for reindeer to help them lead Santa’s sleigh with the help of Rudolph to your home. Although not intended for human consumption, precautions can make it safe for children and birds to prevent unprecedented accidents.
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Make mulled wine
For those who drink wine on Christmas, mulled wine is all the rage. This wine is spiced and can contain hot or cold raisins. Mulled wine can contain cinnamon, sugar, star anise, and maybe lemon zest. The alcohol content of mulled wine can be around 10%. Mulled wine can cause you to smile, be happy, and be warm. Why not buy a bottle for winter?
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Make a Yule log cake
Yule log cake loosely translates to Christmas log cake. This cake is traditional across several continents and is a dessert piece. The countries that do so include Belgium, France, Vietnam, Switzerland, Canada, and Luxembourg. The US, Spain, Portugal, and the UK have some forms of this cake. This cake seems sweet as it may contain icing, sponge cake, and buttercream.
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Make and exchange homemade holiday treats
When discussing homemade holiday treats, there is a large variety of food to feast upon. You can make Christmas Tree Brownies, Pinwheel Cookies, and Christmas Fudge. Treat yourself and surprise your guests with some homemade goodies!
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Roast a pig
Pigs can grow to 6 feet, so cooking one is a hefty task. With the frenzy that comes in place while roasting the pig, the Christmas Christian holiday celebrates grandeur and greatness. Most homes have suckling pigs since they can fit in basic home ovens. For sizable pigs, roasting boxes or rotisserie come in handy. Enjoy roast pig this Christmas by buying a roast box for your pig!
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Host a holiday brunch!
Why wait for lunch after waking up late on Christmas day? Brunch is food that is served from 9:30 AM to 11:59 AM. We thought it would be nice to have you think of getting a Christmas Brunch Board Gift to bless the holiday.
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Make a gingerbread house
Germans are credited to have been the origin of gingerbread houses in the 16th Century. These can be decorated with gumdrops, whereas in past eras, they used foil and gold leaf. However, these houses were not to be eaten. You can buy a gingerbread house instead.
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Make a popcorn garland for the tree
Popcorn garland is an ornament similar to a necklace, but instead of priceless jewels, it contains popcorn. Popcorn garlands originate from the Aztecs of the Americas. Throughout the early 16th century, Aztec women would dance while wearing thick corn garlands.
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Bring out the mince pies!
A mince pie is a pie filled with meat, particularly beef. The fascinating thing about this was that mincing ensured the beef remained preserved. In the middle ages, these pies were huge, but due to commercialization, they allowed the production of smaller sized portions.
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Drink eggnog!
Eggnog, as the name suggests, is based on eggs. On Christmas, it is mixed with alcohol to make it an egg milk punch. It is also called milk punch. It is drunk in the Americas during the festive season and can contain cream and sugar. An eggnog is a must-have on Christmas. A moose mug for your eggnog can liven up your spirits.
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Pagan Traditions

Display a Yule goat!
A Yule Goat is a renowned Christmas symbol. German pagans have influenced the tradition of building a giant straw goat statue in Sweden. The question asked is, ‘Will the goat last till Christmas?’ after setting it up on the first day of Advent. You can show your children that Yule Goats exists, or you may have an accessory to remind you of it.
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Put up a Christmas tree (originating from pagan tree worship)
During winter, Christians have Christmas trees in their homes for 12 days. This tradition of having a decorated tree started with pagans. In Europe, the pagans would have Evergreen fir trees in their homes to Brighton them up as they awaited the Spring. In the festival of Saturnalia, Romans used these trees to worship a god called Ra.
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Hang mistletoe for kisses (associated with ancient pagan beliefs)
Have you ever heard of the conflict between man and wildlife? In Ancient Norse mythology, god Baldyr believed all the plants wanted to kill him. In an attempt to deal with this, his mother and wife negotiated with them but forgot the mistletoe. A kiss under the mistletoe is to remember this every Christmas. Don’t forget to put up the mistletoe to steal a kiss this year.
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Light an Advent wreath (originating from pre-Christian winter solstice traditions)
To the pagans, a candle wreath stood for Earth, water, wind, and fire. These candles also stood for the changing fertility that would be accompanied by the seasons, as noted by the pagans. In Christianity, the candles represent each week in Advent. May the light of Jesus’ presence bring joy as you light the Advent wreath.
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Decorate the house with holly and ivy (ancient pagan symbols of life and renewal)
Did you know that the holly and ivy stem from pagan Traditions? In the festival of Beltane, the holly and ivy were burnt together. They represent males and females, respectively. Holly’s sharp thorns that remind us of the crown of Jesus and the eternal life symbolism of Christmas is now a fully-fledged Christian Christmas tradition.
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