SunApr 27

National Little Pampered Dog Day – April 27, 2025

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National Little Pampered Dog Day takes place every April 27 as a way to celebrate the dog owners, who provide their little furry friends with the extra tender love and care that they deserve. Not all dogs experience the same treatment from their owners, so this day is to appreciate those who give their absolute best to keep their dogs happy.

History of National Little Pampered Dog Day

National Little Pampered Dog Day was first celebrated on April 27, 2016, and has been every year since then. It was initiated by the founders of “Little Pampered Dog” magazine, and the intention of the holiday is not only to celebrate dog owners who treat their pooches exceptionally well but also to bring awareness to the plight of dogs around the world who are not lucky enough to be living in loving conditions. It puts forth the importance of keeping dogs happy and healthy, as they should be.

Many people show their affection and appreciation to their dogs by pampering them, going the extra mile to ensure that they stay happy, healthy beings. This can mean dressing them up in nice outfits (if they allow you to), taking them to their favorite places, spending an extra amount of time playing in the park, or just treating them to their favorite treats and toys. However, pampering them does not always mean treating them luxuriously.

Treating them as one of your own and maintaining comfortable lifestyles for them are also part of expressing your love for them. Signs of a very, adored dog depend on how close they want to be to you. If you know they are extremely comfortable around you, then that’s the sign of a loved dog. Keep it up! For many people, dogs are also a member of the family, and like family, they deserve the appropriate care and consideration.

They are living beings that are entitled to the same rights that any living being deserves: good shelter, adequate food, and proper treatment. Despite taking place on April 27, National Little Pampered Dog Day can be celebrated all year-round, as dogs don’t really need a specific day to be treated well. Always keep them happy, treat and train them to become the best canine they can be, and you’ve got yourself a friend for life.

National Little Pampered Dog Day timeline

27,000 to 40,000 Years Ago

Canine domestication, evolving from feral wolves, first occurs.

4,000 Years Ago
Dogs are Mentioned in Human Literature

Dogs are first mentioned in a piece of human literature found on two ancient Sumerian tablets.

The First National Little Pampered Dog Day

Lourdes Welhaven (and her dog Bella) of “Little Pampered Dog” magazine start National Little Pampered Dog Day.

A Breakthrough in Eradicating Animal Cruelty

The United States Government passes the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act, which makes it a federal crime to subject animals to cruel treatment.

National Little Pampered Dog Day FAQs

What other holidays focus on dog love?

A lot! Fortunately, National Little Pampered Dog Day is not the only holiday dedicated to loving your pooch. You can also celebrate National Hug Your Dog Day on April 10, Dog Parent Appreciation Day on April 19, or National Spoil Your Dog Day on August 10, among many, many others.

Do dogs know we love them?

As a matter of fact, they do. Dogs and humans share a special relationship, where they trigger the human oxycontin bonding pathway that is usually reserved for our own babies. Your oxycontin levels soar whenever you look at your dog, pet them, or play with them. This feeling is emotionally transmitted to your dog, and they can read it perfectly, reinforcing your bond.

How can I say “I love you” to my dog in a way they can understand?

Unfortunately, breakthroughs in perfect human-to-dog language translation have not taken place. Fortunately, your dog can sense your love for them through many actions and gestures such as presenting them with loving body language (which they rely on to read us), leaning on your dog, sleeping next to them, grooming them, or simply walking with them.

National Little Pampered Dog Day Activities

  1. Show your love

    Show the world about your love for your dog by posting pictures of them or yourself with your loving friend. They can be fun snaps or even simple shots that show them at their best. Tell us about how much your dog means to you through captions on your social media platform.

  2. Spend time with your dog

    The point of this holiday is to go the extra mile for your furry friend. Break out the premium chow and the extra fancy biscuit, or take them for a walk to their favorite park. It's all part of showing them they deserve only the best.

  3. Contribute to your local shelter

    Donate your money or your time to your local animal shelter so that they can continue to provide excellent conditions for dogs who are in need of a loving family. The happier the dog at the shelter, the better they will adapt to outside conditions when they get adopted.

5 Interesting Facts On Pampered Dogs

  1. Gods among men

    In the Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek, Norse, and Hindu cultures, dogs, or dog-human hybrids, were worshiped as gods.

  2. Commonly pampered breeds

    The most 'pampered' dog breeds tend to be poodles, Shih Tzus, cocker spaniels, pulis, chihuahuas, Pomeranians, and the Maltese, among others.

  3. Spending more

    U.S. spending on pets has ballooned from $50 billion in 2010 to over $100 billion in 2020.

  4. Known dog pamperers

    Many famous people are publicly known to pamper their dogs, from historical figures such as Empress Josephine and Franklin D. Roosevelt to modern celebrities such as Paris Hilton and Mariah Carey.

  5. A dog's fortune

    Many rich dog owners have left their fortunes to dogs over the years, with a famous example being Leona Helmsley's Maltese, Trouble, that received $12 million upon the American businesswoman's death in 2007.

Why We Love National Little Pampered Dog Day

  1. It celebrates the idea that all dogs are deserving of love

    National Little Pampered Dog Day is a reminder for us to be grateful for our little furry friends, who are always ready to give you their unconditional love. We should repay their love by giving all of ours in return.

  2. They're cute

    Who can resist their cute little faces? Or their adorable little actions? The way they sleep, maybe, brings immense joy to your heart. Remember, their cuteness will go away if you don't keep them happy.

  3. It reminds us to care

    Sometimes, owners might be too caught up in other things that might cause their dogs to feel like they're not attended to. This holiday serves as a reminder for owners to take some time off from their usual routines to spend time and pay further attention to their dogs, to make sure that they don't feel forgotten.

National Little Pampered Dog Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 April 27 Sunday
2026 April 27 Monday
2027 April 27 Tuesday
2028 April 27 Thursday
2029 April 27 Friday