100 Birthday Wishes for Your Best Friend
Nothing but the very best birthday wishes for your bestie!

It’s your best friend’s birthday! Time to hype them up! To have someone to share this special bond with is a blessing. A best friend is someone who supports you through the highs and lows of life, and who you can be yourself with knowing that they’ll accept and care for you. For your bestie’s birthday, we have a huge selection of perfect messages to express your gratitude and love.
Our bestie’s birthday is just as much of a celebration for us as it is for them. Planning the celebration of one of the most important people in our lives, and going all out to make sure they have loads of fun is a special honor — host a surprise birthday party, get your bestie’s favorite cake, hunt for that perfect gift (preferably something they have been eyeing), and spend quality time together. However, if you’re struggling to find the right words to convey your feelings, we have you covered! Nothing beats a heartfelt birthday wish and our list of birthday messages can double as fantastic captions for posts on Instagram.
We have birthday wishes to fit every friendship. Check out these warm messages filled with love, goofy messages for those who enjoy humor, and deep and meaningful birthday wishes. Get ready to see the huge smile on your bestie’s face while reading one of these birthday messages.
Emotional Birthday Wishes
- Sending love and positive vibes on your birthday!
- Hey best friend, always know that you are loved and I am lucky to have you! Happy birthday!
- On your birthday, I am reminded of how lost I would be without your friendship, and how much you mean to me as a best friend.
- Your birthday comes once a year, but our special bond is once in a lifetime.
- Our memorable time together has cemented our friendship. Here’s to a lifetime of celebrating birthdays together!
- Happy birthday to my partner in crime, secret keeper, and best friend!
- Thank you for all the times you have been there for me. I don’t know where I’d be without you!
- May no cake ever be too big for you, happy birthday!
- Happy birthday best friend, treat yourself!
- Happy birthday to the person with a heart of gold. Keep shining!
- Thanks for being my go-to person, my 911, and everything in between!
- Look at how far you have come! I’m so proud of you!
- I hope you achieve everything in life. The sky’s the limit. Happy birthday!
- Happy birthday! May you have a great day and an even greater year ahead.
- May you have years of happiness, abundance, and prosperity.
- Happy birthday! May life continue to amaze you in the most surprising ways <3
- Live your life to the fullest! Happiest of birthdays!
- The life of every party, today is your day! Happy birthday!
- Don’t count the candles, but see the light they give. Don’t count your years but the life you live. Happy birthday.
- Can’t wait to see where life takes you this year <3
- Wishing my best friend the brightest and happiest of birthdays.
- Your birthday is a reminder to us all that there’s no one like you! Cheers to you, bestie!
- Many happy returns of the day to the best of best friends I could ever have asked for!
- Happy birthday, best friend! Forever humbled by your friendship and kindness 🙂
- Your fierce spirit is an inspiration to us all!
- Just like the “FRIENDS” theme song goes, “I’ll be there for you!”
- Nothing but the best for my bestie! Happy birthday, boo! <3
- Happy birthday, best friend! I sure know how to pick ‘em! 🙂
- Happy birthday to an absolute treasure of a friend!
- Always here by your side to navigate through the challenges of life. Love you!
- I wish you love and joy. Thank you for being my best friend.
- Happy birthday to my amazing, beautiful, and fabulous best friend.
Warm and Affectionate Birthday Wishes
- Woo hoo! Another trip around the sun!
- Looking forward to partying all day long with you!
- My wish for you is that all your wishes come true! 🙂
- It’s your birthday! We’re gonna party like it’s yo’ birthday!
- Happy birthday, queen! The royal treatment awaits you!
- Hope this year’s birthday tops all your previous birthdays!
- Happy birthday to my soul sister. Love you to the moon and back!
- It’s my ride-or-die’s birthday! Time to party!
- Happy birthday! Can’t wait to make more memories with you!
- A new year of growth, love, and adventures. Here we go!
- It’s 24 hours of your birthday, but here’s to wishing you a lifetime of celebrations.
- Happy birthday, bestie! Lucky me! :3
- Sending all my love to the person who has become my family!
- Happy birthday to a friend who’s more like family.
- Life would be so dull without you! Here’s to you!
- Happy birthday to my best friend who is simply the BEST!
- Continue spreading love and joy wherever you go 🙂 Happy birthday!
- Birthdays come and go, but our friendship is forever <3 Love you!
- Thanks for making friendship so easy! Happy birthday, bestie!
- Can’t wait to grow older with you and celebrate countless birthdays together!
- Happy birthday to my cool friend, from an even cooler friend :p
- You are truly a gem of a person and irreplaceable, my friend.
- Distance means so little with a friendship like ours. Happy birthday!
- New year, and a better you! Happy birthday!
- Older than yesterday but younger than tomorrow 🙂 Happy birthday!
- Hope your birthday is as amazing as you are, bestie!
- Your friendship means so much to me. Thank you for everything.
- You shine brighter than any star in the sky! Love you!
- Thanks for always believing in me 🙂 <3 Happy birthday!
- No one deserves it all more than you! Stay blessed, my wonderful bestie, happy birthday!
- One of my favorite memories is the day I met you 🙂
- It’s truly an honor to have you in my life. Happy birthday, best friend!
- Woo hoo! My best friend’s birthday should be a national holiday!
Funny Birthday Wishes
- Happy birthday, bestie! Older but not necessarily wiser 😛
- Can’t wait to see you get awkward to the birthday song!
- Happy birthday! Guess you’re older than me now 😀
- WAIT until you get all the attention! This will be fun!
- Birthday calories don’t count so go crazy with the cake!
- We’ve come such a long way! Guess you’re stuck with me now.
- They say one gets finer and wiser with age, but it’s okay there’s always next year!
- Happy birthday, it took you a while to look this good!
- Stay forever free and young at heart!
- You are aging like fine wine! Happy birthday, bestie!
- Happy birthday to this dime in her prime!
- Lucky you for having me as a best friend! Happy birthday!
- It’s your birthday but I am more excited! Let’s get this party started!
- Time flies when we’re having fun. How did we get so old?
- Let’s raise the bar for your birthday this year!
- Happy birthday, bestie! Party hardy! 😛
- You’re not old, you’re vintage 😉 Have fun!
- Happy birthday! Get ready for the mid-life crisis.
- Happy birthday! Time to use retinol cream!
- Who needs presents when you have me as a best friend?
- Have the time of your life! Happy birthday!
- I hope you celebrate this birthday the way you celebrated the first one, naked and screaming.
- We’re young only once, and your turn is over! Happy birthday!
- Not sure what else you have to wish for when you have ME!
- Happy birthday best friend! Here’s a virtual hug!
- Happy birthday! Welcome to the Middle Ages 😉
- The temperature is hotter than usual. Oh, it’s just the number of candles on your cake. Happy Birthday!
- Happy birthday to the quirkiest oddball in my life!
- Happy birthday! Here’s to a lifetime of annoying you!
- Adulting looks good on you! Happy birthday!
- Happy birthday! Here’s a heads-up, growing old is a trap!
- Happy birthday to the only person I’ll share my food with!
- Glad to have someone with whom my level of crazy matches!
- As your best friend, I remembered your birthday, but will conveniently forget the age 😛
Inspirational Happy Birthday Wishes
- Happy birthday! Enjoy the gift of life and live it to the fullest.
- It’s a short ride, so make the most of it. We won’t get these years back.
- May you be surrounded by love, happiness, and blessed fortunes. Happy birthday!
- May the year ahead be filled with love, light, hope, and prosperity.
- Happy birthday! May your fierce spirit and positive vibe continue to change the lives of others <3
- You’ve come so far and have miles to go! May your path become easier, and may you reach your ambitions and goals!
- The best is yet to come! Enjoy the limitless opportunities and possibilities. Happy birthday!
- Your birthday is here but the journey continues. May your life be paved with success and illuminated by love.
- Best wishes to my best friend who has touched my life and brought so much joy to it! Here’s to many more birthdays and celebrations together!
- May the joy that you give others come back to you on this special day.
- Happy birthday! May your heart always be full of love and may you get everything you desire, and more!
- Live your life with smiles, not tears. Beat your age with friends and not years. Happy birthday!
Romantic Birthday Wishes For Your Best Friend
- Happy birthday to my person who has been my rock, through better or worse.
- Happy birthday to my best friend who I have had the pleasure of falling head over heels in love with! You’re the best, darling <3
- We may have started as friends, but I always knew that you are the love of my life. Happy birthday!
- Ours is a connection that has withstood the test of time. Have a great birthday, my love.
- Happy birthday best friend! I am yours forever!
- I must have done something right to be blessed with a wonderful best friend and partner like you. Happy birthday!
- Happy birthday to my best friend, and my one and only. I love you!
- Thank you for making life so magical, I hope you enjoy your birthday and the years we have ahead of us!
- There is no denying that you are beautiful, kissable, and that your smile is magical. Happy birthday, wifey.
- Happy birthday to my better half! <3
Long Distance Birthday Wishes For Your Best Friend
- I wish I could be there with you on your birthday, but you’re never far from my thoughts. Have a great one, best friend.
- May my wishes hold you when my arms can’t. Happy birthday, bestie!
- Happy birthday, best friend! You can eat my slice of cake too!
- T- (insert weeks or months) until I see you again! Then we’ll celebrate your belated birthday in style!
- Cutting a cake in your honor all the way from (insert location)! Have a great birthday!
- Sending all my love and well wishes from across the world! Happy birthday!
- Feels weird to be apart from you on your birthday, but I’ll more than make up for it!
- Thinking of you on your birthday. Hope you have loads of fun!
- You know how they say distance doesn’t matter when two friends love each other? I can almost feel being there with you on your birthday!
- Sorry I won’t be there on your birthday this year, bestie. But I’m always there in spirit!
- Happy birthday, best friend. Sending virtual hugs and virtual gifts 😀
Belated Birthday Wishes
- I know I forgot to wish you on your birthday but is it really my fault that you don’t ever look any older?
- Now that everybody’s wishes are old news, here’s a big belated wish from me!
- This birthday wish isn’t late because every day is your day! Happy birthday, best friend!
- Happy belated birthday to my best friend, from a terribly forgetful friend! <3
- Happy belated birthday! This isn’t a late wish, it is an early one for next year!
- The good thing about forgetting your birthday this year is that I also forgot your age. And that’s what’s really important.
- Happy belated birthday! You now have a “get out of jail free” card for when you forget mine next time 😀
Famous Happy Birthday Quotes
- “The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.” — Lucille Ball
- “Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” — Jack Benny
- “Just remember, once you’re over the hill you begin to pick up speed” — Charles Schulz
- “With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come.” — William Shakespeare
- “When your friends begin to flatter you on how young you look, it’s a sure sign you’re getting old” — Mark Twain