CPG Marketing Agency

About us

Every aspect of your CPG brand has an impact, from the marketing, to the packaging, and more. At National Today, we are design, marketing, packaging, and public relations professionals that bring data-driven strategies and calendar-based tactics to create ownable moments for our CPG brands. 
We ensure that every aspect of our marketing portfolio works in conjunction with one another and adhere to our data-driven strategies. Your branding, packaging, advertisement, thought leadership, and your digital presence will all perform well together to create a cohesive marketing strategy bound to get results. 

Our approach

Calendar-Based Marketing and Time Triggers

A successful marketing strategy knows who and how to reach its target audience, but it also needs to know when. The calendar is full of moments when your audience is predisposed to messages about your brand and recognizing those moments is a key component of fulfilling the third leg of the stool. 
To accomplish this, we use time triggers, or particular tactics based on calendar-based marketing that deliver messages tailored to your audience at moments in time when they are more likely to engage with them. If you look at the CPG market, you’ll see many points in the year when different brands capitalize on those dates in order to provide an ownable moment. As a CPG marketing agency, we’re the leaders in this form of marketing and can help your brand maximize your marketing ROI. 
CPG Marketing

How we work

A data-driven strategy for CPG clients

Everything we do starts with data. It’s the basis for our strategies, our tactics, our timing and our creative. As a CPG marketing agency, we excel at collecting and analyzing marketing data from market research insights to consumer reach and behaviors in order to determine the perfect strategy for our clients. We use sophisticated data collection tools and techniques to identify fascinating and lucrative insights that inform every step we take. 
But there’s more to great CPG marketing than data. It has to be matched with great creative and the biggest wins come when the creative is backed by the very data that we create. It’s how we approach every branding and packaging design, every message, every pitch, and every social media post. We use this data to target our audiences and create ownable moments for our clients that allow their customers to engage. 

What makes us different?

  • We identify unique messages

    We formulate your brand's story by understanding your consumer's needs and wants and how your brand is perfectly positioned to provide them. 
  • We create relevant content.

    The messages you send must be laser-focused and relevant to your consumers on deep levels.  

  • We use time triggers

    There are moments during the year where your brand can have the most impact and understanding how to use those moments most effectively is a key component to a successful marketing effort. 
  • We tailor your messages

    Relevance is one of the most important aspect of successful messaging so we reach your customers on a personal and local level. 

Our expertise

  • Cleaning Supplies
  • Protein Supplements
  • Baby Supplies
  • Healthy Snacks
  • Bottled Beverages
  • Pet Food
  • Coffee

Our formula

  • Use Time Triggers

    A well-timed hook can make the difference between a great message landing and a great message falling flat. Understanding not just when, but how, to use time triggers can dramatically increase the success of your marketing efforts. 

  • Create relevant content

    Every brand and industry has their own vernacular, key points, and differentiators and understanding how and when to use each is critical in creating content that will resonate. 

  • Find the white space

    Every brand has their own unique selling points and knowing exactly how those differentiators fit into your customer's messaging sphere and where your competitors are missing the mark can create messages only your brand can own. 

Let’s talk