135 Funny Birthday Wishes
No matter whose birthday it is, there’s no better present than the gift of laughter.

Birthdays are a time of joy and laughter, so it’s only fitting that these funny birthday wishes should be the proverbial cherry on top of the celebration.
As you prepare to honor another trip around the sun, why not inject a bit of humor into the birthday guy or gal’s day? Take the opportunity to thank your sister for her love and the gray hair she’s given you over the years. Let your best friend know you’ve loved every second of friendship and laughing at them, not with them. Tell your husband you love growing old with him, especially since he has a head start. We’ve listed some of the best funny birthday wishes to celebrate in the most hilariously unforgettable way. Here’s to laughter, love, and the joys of getting older, but not necessarily wiser.
Funny Birthday Wishes for Anyone

Congratulations on surviving a year of questionable life choices, here’s to another one! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday! Since you’re getting older, try becoming a bit wiser too!
Age is just a number and in your case, it’s a really big one! Happy birthday, old-timer!
You forgot to buy a birthday present for me last year. This year, I’m returning the favor. Happy birthday though!
You know you’re getting old when you have too many candles and not enough cake surface. Happy birthday, have a great one.
Happy birthday! May your day be filled with so much laughter and joy, you forget how old you are.
Happy birthday to someone who still knows how to party… even if you have to take a long nap afterward!
Happy birthday and remember, you’re at that age where you can’t blame your bad decisions on being young anymore!
Everyone gets to be young once. Today, your turn is officially over! Happy birthday!
Here’s to a day filled with love, laughter, and just the right amount of embarrassing moments! Happy birthday, have a great one!

Congrats on surviving another year without being eaten by zombies! You’re doing so great!
Smart, good-looking, and with a great sense of humor! But enough about me. Happy birthday!
At your age, people expect you to be calm, dignified, and sober. Disappoint them! Happy birthday, stay chaotic!
Happy birthday and congratulations, you’re one year closer to death!
Young and immature… at least you’re still one of those things! Happy birthday!
Age is just a… nope, you’re actually just old. Happy birthday anyway!
Happy birthday! Maybe this year will be better but I doubt it!
Don’t listen to people, you are too old and it is too late! Happy birthday, I guess.
Funny Birthday Wishes for Sister

Happy birthday to the sister who stole my clothes, makeup, and sanity! May your day be as awesome as you think you are. I love you!
Have a fantastic birthday, sis! Love from your much younger, better-looking sibling.
Happy birthday to the sister who taught me how to fight and how to forgive, usually on the same day! I love you endlessly.
To my sister, who still hasn’t figured out that I’m the favorite child, happy birthday! I love you!
Thank you for all the love and gray hairs, I couldn’t do life without you! Happy birthday, my sister!
Happy birthday to the only person who can be both a pain and a joy in my life. Cheers to another year of sibling love!
Happy birthday to someone totally awesome, beautiful, and funny — you remind me a lot of myself. Stay fabulous, sis!
To my amazing sister, you’ll always be the funniest, smartest, most charming person in the room. At least when I’m not around. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to my partner in crime. Let’s hope this year is filled with more laughter and less bail money!
Happy birthday to my awesome sister! May you find a million reasons to smile and only one gray hair.

Happy birthday, sis! Remember that growing older is mandatory but growing up is optional. Stay forever young.
You’re not old, you’re a vintage classic! Happy birthday, my sister!
Happy birthday, sis! I think it’s great… how you used to be young once.
You’re the only person whose birthday I can remember without a Facebook reminder! Happy birthday to my sister!
Happy birthday, sis! Everyone’s lying to you, you’re definitely as old as you look!
Funny Birthday Wishes for Brother

To my brother who never fails to embarrass me in front of my friends, happy birthday! May your day be filled with lots of embarrassing moments of your own!
Happy birthday to the one who always makes me laugh, even when it’s at your expense. Cheers, bro!
Happy birthday, bro! You’re officially one year closer to becoming the grumpy old man we always knew you’d be!
Happy birthday to our parents’ second-favorite child!
I’m only joining the celebration later for the cake! Happy birthday, though, bro!
Happy birthday to my favorite brother! And by ‘favorite,’ I mean ‘only.’
You’re like a vintage classic: you have a lot of mileage. Happy birthday!
I was going to get something awesome for your birthday but then I remembered you already have me.
I know you can’t control it but the number of candles on your cake is getting out of hand. Happy birthday, old man!
Count your blessings, never your wrinkles! Happy birthday, brother!

Don’t worry about getting old, that happened ages ago. Happy birthday!
Isn’t wisdom supposed to come with age? You should work on that! Happy birthday!
Being related to me is the gift! Happy birthday, you lucky guy!
They say that great siblings are a blessing so, you’re welcome! Happy birthday, bro!
Funny Birthday Wishes for Mom

I know you haven’t had to make a wish since I was born, but make one today anyway! Happy birthday, mom, I love you!
Happy birthday, momma, may we get to drive each other crazy for years to come!
You always say I’m your greatest gift, which is a good thing ‘cos I’m broke! I love you, mom!
None of us are in jail yet so I’d say you’ve done a great job raising us! Happy birthday to the best mom!
Happy birthday, mom, you’re so lucky to have me as your child!
Between the two of us, you’ve always been my favorite parent! Happy birthday, mom, don’t tell dad.
Happy birthday, mom! Congrats on your biggest achievement: Successfully keeping me alive all these years!
Happy birthday and thank you for loving me unconditionally, even when I’ve done things that made you question why you had kids.
To the woman who gave me an endless supply of love and embarrassing childhood photos, happy birthday!
Happy birthday to the woman who can’t resist saying “I told you so.” You were right, mom, as always!

I’m so grateful that I got my looks and intelligence from you! Happy birthday, my beautiful, smart momma!
Happy birthday, mom, I hope you have a great day! I know getting this birthday message from your favorite child is a good start!
I got my baking skills from you so you’re lucky this cake is store-bought! Happy birthday, mom!
Please stop aging so gracefully, you’re putting the rest of us to shame. Happy birthday, young lady!
Funny Birthday Wishes for Dad

Your jokes aren’t funny but today, I promise to laugh. Happy birthday, pops!
Happy birthday dad, you don’t look a day over 30… if I’m squinting and standing at a distance.
Because it’s your birthday, I wanted you to know I agree with you: Mom’s not always right!
It’s not the years but the mileage, and you have loads of both! Happy birthday, dad!
What’s cool about getting older is that soon you won’t remember your age. Happy birthday!
May your birthday be filled with lots of memorable moments, I hope you’ll be able to remember them afterward.
Happy birthday, dad! What would you prefer: A walking cane or a wheelchair?
Did you know you’re one of my favorite parents? Happy birthday, dad!
Happy birthday, I hope today makes you smile a lot. Do it now while you still have teeth.
Happy birthday, dad! Thanks for passing your good looks on to me!

I guess I shouldn’t ask for money today, huh? Happy birthday to the most loving, generous dad in the world!
Funny Birthday Wishes for Best Friend

Happy birthday, bestie! Don’t forget to smile awkwardly when we sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to you! I’ll be singing the loudest!
Happy birthday to my best friend! I’m so thankful for you and the fact that you’ll always be older than me!
You know all my embarrassing stories and still choose to be my friend. I love you, happy birthday!
Happy birthday, my friend! I’ve learned so much from you, like what NOT to do!
I’ll always be your friend… you have too much blackmail material on me. Happy birthday!
Thanks for the years of friendship, I’ve loved every second of laughing at you, not with you! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to the person who knows all my secrets and hasn’t used them against me. I’m thankful for you!
No matter how old you get, you’ll always be immature! Happy birthday, bestie!
Happy birthday to my partner in crime! I’d even be happy doing time in prison with you!
Some people come into your life and make it so much better! You’re welcome, by the way! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to the person who can make a dull day hilarious, even when you’re the punchline!
Just remember, you’re too old to make new friends. You’re stuck with me! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, may your year have as many blessings as the bad decisions you’ve made!
Older? Absolutely. Wiser? Let’s not kid ourselves. Happy birthday to my bestie!
Just think, we’ll be wishing each other happy birthday year after year until one of us dies!
Funny Birthday Wishes for Husband

You’re another year older and as I look at you, I thank God I married you for your sense of humor.
Happy birthday, hubby! Here’s to many more years of you never winning an argument!
You have the amazing ability to make me laugh and drive me crazy at the same time. Happy birthday, I love you!
Good looking, kind, and loving… I can see why you married me. Happy birthday, you lucky guy!
We said we’d grow old and gray together but relax, it’s not a race! Happy birthday, old man!
Happy birthday to my husband. I love you even though you always leave the toilet seat up!
You steal the covers like you stole my heart: Completely! Happy birthday, I love doing life with you!
Happy birthday to my hubby! Don’t worry, you’ll still get to do dumb things, only slower.
I love you even when I’m mad at you, which is 90% of the time. Happy birthday, my love!
Youth and vitality are the words that come to mind when I think of someone else. I still love you though, happy birthday!

Happy birthday to my dear husband, there’s probably no one else I’d rather spend the rest of my life with.
Funny Birthday Wishes for Wife

You’ll always be beautiful in my eyes but that’s because my eyesight’s going! Happy birthday, wifey!
To my wife, thank you for choosing me, I know you had options! Happy birthday!
I hope you always receive the best in life, the same way you got me. Happy birthday, my love!
When counting your blessings, remember I’m one of them. Congratulations, sweetheart!
Happy birthday to the wife who has the world’s best husband!
As you get older, you only get better… at picking fights with me. I still love you, happy birthday!
Today’s your special day so please don’t worry about doing any chores, they’ll still be there tomorrow!
I could never forget your birthday. Not when you remind me every day! Happy birthday, beautiful!
Aren’t you a bit old to still be called the birthday girl? Anyway, happy birthday, wifey!
When I say “smokin’ hot” I’m talking about your cake that’s on fire!

To my dear wife, don’t worry about your age. Next year, you’ll be even older!
Finding your true love is one of the best gifts that life can give. You’re welcome, happy birthday!
Funny Birthday Wishes for Coworkers

Happy birthday to the coworker who annoys me the least! Have a good one!
Guess who’s one year closer to retirement? Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to the only reason I still work at this company!
Happy birthday to my favorite work buddy! Please don’t leave before I do!
Happy birthday, work bestie! I’d rate your performance 10/10 for being the best at pretending to work!
Happy birthday, there’s no one I’d rather send YouTube videos and memes to all day!
May your meetings be extra short, your coffee extra strong, and your tolerance extra high today. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, I love being in the work battle trenches with you!
Happy birthday, work bestie! Any treat you want is on me… as long as it’s from the vending machine!
If there was an award for the best coworker, you’d definitely come in second place behind me. Happy birthday!

You make every day feel like Casual Friday. Happy birthday to the best coworker!
What happens on our lunch breaks, stays on our lunch breaks. Happy birthday, I’ve had some great adventures with you!
I survive Mondays because of you! Happy birthday, you’re the best!
I like you just enough to wish you! Happy birthday!
Funny Belated Birthday Wishes

I know I’m always forgetting your birthday but at least I’m consistent! Happy belated birthday!
This year, I wanted to give you the gift of suspense. Happy belated birthday, I hope it was worth the wait.
Don’t think of this as a late birthday message, think of it as prolonging the celebration. Happy belated birthday!
Well, it’s not like you remembered my birthday either! Happy belated birthday!
Happy belated birthday! This is probably not the best time to ask but is there any leftover cake?
I’m sorry I forgot to wish you, it’s just who I am as a person. Happy belated birthday!
You become more patient with age so thanks for waiting for my birthday message!
Happy belated birthday! I wasn’t sure if I should wish because people your age usually don’t like to celebrate.
I’m fashionably late for everything and wishing you happy birthday is no exception!
I wanted to be the only one thinking of you today. Happy belated birthday!

Is this a late birthday message for this year or an early one for next year? You decide.